Currently we have certain rules that govern Parliamentary "conduct", but we lack a full on Code of Ethics. It is becoming increasingly clear that we need some measure of accountability that sanctions claims that have no basis in truth. There should be some provision that demands,at the very least, any argument put forth have a factual basis. Beyond points of view, differing interpretations of statistics, certain beliefs, something that address downright FABRICATIONS that mislead Canadians. We have laws regarding all kinds of disinformation, whether it be advertising claims or personal liability, boldly lying and making outlandish baseless allegations aren't sanctioned by society. Why then is our Parliamentary system below this standard, why is a body that is supposedly a place of such high standards a laggard in terms of certain accountability?
I can barely stomach following Ottawa anymore- and I'm a politically junkie- so turned off by the back and forth bullshit, it's maddening, exhausting and frankly not worth the time. It hasn't "always been this way" in Ottawa, unless one lacks any capacity for notions of degree, emphasis, frequency, the shrug of the shoulders mentality part of the problem. We need real accountability measures that ELEVATE this cesspool, regain some confidence with Canadians, a regime that forces logical debates, rather than one that actually rewards dishonesty.
Everyone agrees, this "carbon tax" debate is an utter farce. Rather than fall back on simplistic notions that voters must hold to account, we have our say, some recognition that politicians have GAMED a busy electorate, who simply doesn't have the time to babysit, nor inclined to care, given the absurdities on display daily. No, we need a strict Code of Ethics that comes with real consequences, we deserve something better than current reality. People of all political stripes should want higher standards, let us debate on merit, rather than a conversation none of us would tolerate in our own homes, workplace, circle of friends. The reality right now is simply intolerable, more correctly disturbing.
Must be disgusted DAY