Harper blew it yesterday, because at the heart these Conservatives have a deep paranoia about the media, to the point they actually convince themselves a one way, scripted, lame speech will suffice to put out a burning maelstrom that surrounds. To the point of delusional, there is resistance to the obvious, namely a PUBLIC review of the Senate scandal. Emboldened by past "ride out the clock" strategies when confronted with controversy, this mentality lead to the farcical staged event yesterday, that ultimately devolved into a red faced, SILENT, Prime Minister looking downright foolish as reporters barked out questions.
This is a Conservative government that cages up the media during election campaigns, spends millions to train public servant on the art of speaking publicly without saying anything and generally does everything in their power to avoid answering any questions, on any topic. This government isn't accountable, it's obstructionist and secretive, every potentially controversial detail, on any topic, must be pried from their hands, never relenting or forthcoming. Despite this nature, the Conservatives have been quite successful manipulating the message, stonewalling until attention spans wane, but within it clearly betraying this supposed accountability forever touted. Again, Conservatives have deluded themselves, they aren't accountable at all, anyone that dare question their reign is throw under the bus, personally attacked, they have created an air of intimidation the likes of which Ottawa has never seen.
Today reporters get their rare opportunity to ask dear leader two questions about the biggest scandal to hit Harper's government. It's a forced collision, Harper can't avoid answering questions forever, despite a deliberate attempt to do just that. There was something inherently pathetic about yesterday, the Harper "speech", then followed by a no show in QP, wherein his chief underlining repeated the same line over and over, no matter the content of any question coming. The anti-thesis of accountability, Harper seemingly needs to be taken kicking and screaming to answer the most basic of questions.
This regime rode into town under the accountability banner. They passed some initial legislation, and every since then have conducted themselves in a way that contradicts any tenet of true accountability. Propaganda, paranoia, avoidance, aversion, denial, withholding, you name it, it's there for all to see. Time for Conservatives to confront the blue sky reality that pierces their delusional veneer, you're not accountable, you never have been, in fact you're an obstacle to the very idea. The Duffy affair simply crystallizes to the Canadian public what the rest of us who follow intently already know. FRAUD.