Sunday, May 13, 2007


A new CBC show, starring Gilles Duceppe? Follow the trials and tribulations of Gilles, as he wades his way through the high stakes drama that is a leadership campaign. A real-time emotional rollercaster, full of shocking twists and turns. I smell a winner.


  1. To be truly 24-ish, Gilles will have to be torturing riding association presidents to see who they'll support...

  2. ha ha - good post.

    Might prove more compelling than the current 24 season, at the very least...

  3. Haha, well played Steve.

    Seriously though, is this man gutless or what? I was shocked when he announced he was going to run. It was like he got really drunk and was hanging out with old friends when he was struck by the romantic notion that he might actually do something to contribute to the cause which he claims to represent. Then woke up the next morning with a killer hang over and was just stunned that he considered giving up such a cushy gig in Ottawa.

  4. "Then woke up the next morning with a killer hang over ..."

    ...and a fleur-de-lis tattoo on his rear end.

    Seriously, you'd think he'd more in touch with the electorate and have had a better idea about his chances before leaping in.

  5. Duceppe can sure do a 180 like no one else. He flipped on Harper's "nation" vote in a day, which was fundamental. Now, he jumps in, without apparent knowledge of his prospects. The good news, this is a self-inflicted wound and it weakens his stature.
