Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Environmental Experts Respond To Baird

The Pembina Institute released a statement today, in answer to Baird's pathetic dismissal of scientific analysis, as though partisan:
When asked to respond to Pembina's concerns at a Parliamentary committee on May 29, Minister Baird stated that the Institute "helped write the Liberal plan." Pembina rejects any suggestion that it is motivated by partisan considerations and that its conclusions are therefore not objective.

"It is extremely disappointing to see Minister Baird try to dismiss our objective analysis with cheap insinuations," said Marlo Raynolds, Executive Director of the Pembina Institute. "The Minister was given many opportunities to respond to our substantive concerns. His failure to do so only reinforces the credibility of those concerns."

The Pembina Institute affirms that it is a strictly non-partisan organization. The organization conducts extensive research and analysis to identify the policies that will best protect the environment. Pembina makes its conclusions available on request to any political party or government.

Pembina was consulted on the Liberal party's plan for industry regulations, Balancing Our Carbon Budget, and provided substantive input. "We were pleased to see some of our key suggestions reflected in that plan. Had we been invited to engage with the government in a similar way before its recent announcement, we would certainly have done so," added Dr. Raynolds.

Cheap is the word. An organization, which Baird admits "is highly respected", is tainted because it helped the government of the day formulate policy.

I've blogged alot recently on Baird, probably to the point of repetitive ranting. Of all the Ministers in this government, John Baird has proven himself to be the most childish, partisan hack I can remember. Ambrose was incompetent, Baird is a complete and utter disgrace. The antics in the QP, wherein Baird turns to his fellow Conservative MP's, leading embarrassing chants that dumb down the entire institution. The constant dodge and weave, the downright lies spoken with bravado, the cheeky arrogance, the flippant retorts, turning the entire discussion into a circus sideshow.

The media adopts the "Crossfire" mentality, wherein Baird is given license to spew the nonsense, in the interest of balance, nevermind what the OVERWHELMING majority of experts think. If there is a reason why non-partisan groups of environmental experts are starting to develop a partisan flavor it is because the government has shut them out. No longer part of international delegations, no longer consulted on any policy, no longer part of the official process, this government has reduced expertise to the sidelines. Please cite one other portfolio where it is acceptable for the government to attempt to silence those in the know. What the Conservatives have done on the environment file is the equivalent of Tony Clement telling doctors that they don't understand health care.

John Baird is a ridiculous baffoon. Exhale :)


  1. Well, I can't say there is one word in your post tht I disagree with.

    Baird is an ass, but I wouldn't say he's alone. Day has excluded every contrary opinion to do with his files too. O'Connor? Not just experts, but families in the know. Flaherty? No consultation that compromises his objectives. Oda, Findley, Bernier, Venier...the list is too long and of course it ends with , Mr. Tell me what I want to hear, Harper.

    That said, Baird has tied himself into quite the knot. I cannot see how he'll recover from the G8. Time will expose all I guess.

  2. I agree too.

    But the main reason for posting a comment is that I really enjoy your blog, but for some reason it's crashing my browser. Just started doing this a week or so ago. Did you add some new coding or something? I'm using Firefox on a Mac.

    You can reach me at if you want to follow up.
