Sunday, June 03, 2007

Canada Backs The Bottom

The WWF is out with a climate change scorecard, that details who is doing what on the issue:
The United States' bottom ranking underscores a disconnect between President Bush's announcement last week and ongoing U.S. attempts to block progress at G8 negotiations aimed at stopping dangerous climate change, says WWF.

"By presenting climate promises without action, the Bush administration undermines German Chancellor Merkel's effort to secure a meaningful agreement at G8," says Hans Verolme, Director of WWF's Global Climate Change Program. "Canada must break ranks with the United States to restore its former reputation as a leader on climate change."

A sampling of a few of today's headlines:
PM likely to back U.S. view of new climate treaty Jun. 3 2007 10:11 PM ET

Baird echoes U.S. on climate deal Jun 03, 2007 08:58 PM

Canada to back U.S. view that any climate deal requires China, India

In Canada's defense, we are at the back of the pack too, so maybe our alliance is akin to highschool, wherein the kids with the A's tend to hang out, and we are skipping class with the slackers, smoking pot in the alleyway, talking about this weekend's bush party (man those were fun).

1 comment:

  1. "A sampling of a few of today's headlines:

    PM likely to back U.S. view of new climate treaty Jun. 3 2007 10:11 PM ET

    Baird echoes U.S. on climate deal Jun 03, 2007 08:58 PM

    Canada to back U.S. view that any climate deal requires China, India"

    What ever happened to the "Made in Canada" solution?
