Sunday, June 10, 2007

You Know You're Good When

Jim Flaherty manages the impossible, in a few short hours. Saskatchewan Premier Calvert is hopping mad about a side deal for Nova Scotia. Meanwhile, Nova Scotia Premier MacDonald is fuming because Flaherty has said there will be no side deal. T

In an interview with The Canadian Press, Saskatchewan Premier Lorne Calvert said Sunday that the federal government is negotiating a side deal on the Atlantic Accord - despite claims to the contrary by the finance minister.

"If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it's a duck," said the premier. "They're in negotiations."

Our relationship with the federal government goes well beyond the accord, and it was in Nova Scotians best interests for us to pursue negotiations until now," he said. "Mr. Flaherty has slammed that door shut, and we must now do everything in our power to help everyone understand what he has done."

"Mr. Flaherty has turned his back on Nova Scotians, and our quiet talks are about to get a whole lot louder."

The premier is requesting a hearing before the Senate where the bill must go after third reading if it is passed.

"I will call for every Senator to delay passage of that bill until they've had a chance to understand our position and fully understand the impact of the budget on the Offshore Accord and equalization," said Premier MacDonald. "The province of Nova Scotia will not accept anything less that the signed Atlantic Accord."

The "end of bickering" has clearly passed. Flaherty has moved us to the "era of conflicting signals", wherein you accomplish nothing, but manage to alienate everyone involved because of your duplicity. Quite an achievement, to be criticized for making side deals, and refusing side deals, simultaneously. Kumbaya, Kumbaya.


  1. The ass of all asses.

    Living in Ontario, it was an unbelievable event to watch this man become the Minister of Finance.

    I thought Harper must have lived under a bridge for that time, not to know, that this would be his worst choice. Looking at his choices, knowing his penchant for Harris, I guess I see why...but what a stupid move.

    I'm glad the country is seeing in such a short space of time what a waste of space this Minister is. I won't say man, I'll say Minister. I'm not sure who the man is, nor can I understand how he sleeps at night.

    I wrote about him on my blog yesterday and today, when I saw MacDonald come out against him, I felt I'd read Flaherty right.

    We now have a circle of PC's, Lib's and some NDP, (Calvert, could you speak to Jack?), all calling the government to task.

    Kumbaya indeed.

  2. "We now have a circle of PC's, Lib's and some NDP, (Calvert, could you speak to Jack?), all calling the government to task."

    I don't think this is what the government had in mind, when it wanted to bring everyone together.

  3. (Calvert, could you speak to Jack?).
    About what, that the libs in this parliament so far have propped up the conservatives by 65% in comparison to the NDP with 35%.

    Pss - could you speak to Dion?
