Saturday, September 01, 2007

Nothing To See Here

If anyone had any doubts the looming APEC summit will be a meaningless exercise on climate change, this should serve as confirmation:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper has been invited to deliver a keynote address in the session that will look at climate change and energy.
A real barn burner, that one.

The really funny part, Canada is looking to join the Asia-Pacific Partnership, otherwise known as the "pollute with impunity" cover organization:

Canada continues to have a "strong interest" in the Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (called the AP 6) and is hoping for "a signal" from the existing members on the possibility of joining the group.


  1. hmmm...APEC, invitation, key note address...

    So, Canada is STILL well respected by the International community.

    But but but,
    opps/msm condemn PMSH for ... everything (including Iggy in cahcah over puffins)

    I'm waiting for Libs to jump on the 'Harper is an evagalist, Canadians don't trust evangalists' article


  2. How petty are we becoming and how humourless when no end of comments on Ignatieff's joke.

    APEC - environment - Canada and Australia have uranium - the environment issue will dwell around that - that's why Harper isn't interested in the environment. He's interest in "money, "money", "money" and trying to make Canada, a country of only 33 million a superpower or some dumb thing like that.

    To me, it's not about Harper being an evangelist - it's about him "hiding" how into it he is. Make-up/primper, hiding his religious affilation, etc., speaks volumes to me. We don't really know who he is, what he's about - this is a bad sign.

  3. " Canada is STILL well respected by the International community."

    Yes, all the other environmental deadbeats in the world look to us for guidance, how inspirational.

  4. Oh poor audience - if anyone can put you to sleep with robot Harper. Glad I'm not there, yawn zzzzz....

  5. "Yes, all the other environmental deadbeats in the world look to us for guidance, how inspirational. "

    True, sad, but LOL at your turn of phrase Steve.

    Who was it that said "I don't want to be a member of a club that would have ME as a member"?
