Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Which Poll Was That?

Reuters story, which outlines the "split" amongst Liberals, over whether to trigger election. You know, if you are trying to make an argument, it might be a good idea to get your facts straight:
Some in his party are itching for an election, despite polls that show the most likely result would be another minority Conservative government.

Which poll was that? Was it this one?:
Tory Support Slides

Liberal Party 33% (-1)
Conservative Party 31% (-4)
NDP 19% (+2)
BQ 10% (+1)
Green Party 8% (+2)

Or was it this one?:

Conservative Support Sags

Liberals 32%
Conservatives 29%
NDP 16%
Greens 12%

Maybe it was this one?:
Conservative (PC): 33%

Liberal Party (PLC): 33

New Democratic Party (NPD): 18%

Bloc: 8%

Others: 8%

Or, maybe somebody needs to pay attention.


  1. Steve:

    I've just gone to that link you've provided, and I don't see that line about "the likely result being another Conservative minority government" there anymore - at least, not at the link you give. Perhaps they did a quick edit :)

  2. It's there. Seventh paragraph.

  3. Ah... ok. Well then.. I next went to look for an email address I could write to and complain about these folks poll claims.. but I cant seem to find anything there either. Anyone?

  4. I think Stephane Dion could quite easily become the least popular Prime Minister in the history of Canada. I wonder how the Liberals would fare with a real leader?

  5. LOL. You're funny Raphael. Are you all of a sudden worried your guys might lose? You have good reason to.

    The bigger story would be how Stephen Harper could lose to such an "unreal" leader like Dion, if your scenario plays out and you really think that. Quite frankly, Dion has always been underestimated, and I think once a campaign comes along, he'll do fine.

    (PS and back on topic, I wrote the Reuters editors, lambasting them for not researching polls properly).

  6. Scott: Provide us a link to their email address. Can you do a blogpost asking all Liberals to spam them in anger? It's about time media started becoming more accurate. They keep talking about integrity in Parliament. Journalistic integrity is just as - if not more - important. If someone isn't watching the watchers, just who is the public going to believe.

    We have a problem in Canada with a small handful of companies controlling all the media: CanWest (almost every news daily); Quebecor (all the rest); Rogers Media; Shaw; Bell-Globe Media. Their numbers are even smaller when you realize (as I have as a former industry insider) that these conglomerates work together to screw the public and fight gov't legislation.

    Time to kick the media down a notch. Time to bring back stiffer rules for media on accuracy of reporting and Journalistic integrity. One only has to look South of the border to see what a schmozzle lack of journalistic integrity causes. These new "pseudo-journalists" take sides in politics and help fuel a mob mentality among voters, often fueling the flames of fire.

    So... whatdya say? Time to take on Reuters? They have to be accurate in their reporting, considering so many dailies and sites pull news-feeds from their wire service. People treat what they read in the paper - or especially from sources like Reuters as being the "gospel". They need to begin upholding the integrity required of them.

  7. WesternGrit:

    Merely going to Reuters (via Steve's link is fine) and clicking on "Contact Us" at the bottom, and then the option of contacting an editor will get you an in-house mail input box to send your complaints.

    I'll wait to see if they respond to my complaint before I pull a blogswarm on them. That doesn't mean others can't if they're impatient.

    bring on an election!!!

    Liberals are delusional if they believe the pollsters are accurate.

  9. Not to be contrary or anything but anonymous is half-right.

    Taking a decision on whether to have an election based on the polls before that election is a mugs game.

    They change, often dramatically.

    Just ask Paul Martin. Just before the election call in 2004 he was sitting comfortably in majority territory. We all know how that one turned out.

    There really is no telling which way Canadians will jump so it is a roll of the dice no matter who or what triggers the next election.

  10. "Taking a decision on whether to have an election based on the polls"

    Obviously that isn't the only consideration, but were you stand is surely part of the equation. Let me know when you find one party that doesn't read the polls, or spend donors money soliticiting their own. Heck, the Liberals wasted money polling Orchard's riding, what was that all about?

    Polls are just indicative, nobody claims they offer any certainty.

  11. If it means standing up for center of the road principles, balance, and moderation - against reactionary extremism in social and economic terms - then, it is time to go to the polls. We've had to sit on our hands a few times now, while the bully (and it's great the public persona he's getting from all this) rants and pushes his right wing agenda. When Paul Martin was PM, these same Cons begged for "civility" and "detente" in Parliament. My how times have changed. Where's the spirit of conciliation? Not that I care. The angry ranting looks good on them. The partisanship is just good politics on their part (for their own best interest).

    Funny though - I have a lot of Reformer buddies (growing up in Sask and AB), and the very thing they used to rant about the most was the Ottawa porkbarreling, and the corrupt chronyism that went on there. HMMMM... Power changed all that, didn't it? I have a feeling a lot of Reformers stay home this next election. They already lost a lot of "income trusters"...
