Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just Imagine

Location, location, location. This 1970's, structurally sound, architectural marvel, offers breathtaking vistas and virtual lakefront access. Plenty of recent renovations and upgrades, including glass flooring, fine dining and tasteful lighting. Impress your friends and family with this one of a kind, prime property, towering above the center of the universe. This eye catcher won't last long.

To book a viewing, visit listing agent "Deficit Jim's" website. Closing date prior to Budget 2009 delivery preferable.


  1. Only slightly inaccurate. The CN Tower is not, in fact, for sale.

  2. Deficit Jim spoke today about selling off assets in order to avoid a deficit in the next budget and referred to the CN Tower among other federal assets Canadians are, according to him, too daft to know belong to all of us.

  3. FUKC!
    Have we not seen this EFFING Movie in Ontario before? !!
    Anyone one remember the budget in a carpart factory? Anyone? Remember carpart factories?
    How did we let these Dicks, these EFFING no-nothing loosers get a job, little own the same job they Eff'd up at the province of Ontario?
    Any one who voted Reform, er, that is Tory in Ontario in the last election - you need to go to your room with not supper ... forever!
    Please, I am too old, just put me on a melting ice flow (if you can find one) & let me sink.

  4. Nothing screams economic confidence like selling off the furniture . . . particularly at a low.

    This seems really amateurish to me, and just a tad surreal.

  5. I hear the Chinese feel they could make one nice pagoda out of that pin prick (i mean the building, not the finance minister)...

  6. Well might be even better if they could make a mini-pagoda out of Flaherty & place him atop the CN Tower for all to see - plus keeping him out of doing business at the same time. ;)

    Far too many shades of the Harris govt. being re-awakened Federally. How people in Ontario could have forgotten about the total devastation caused by Flaherty et al here is beyond me. This country of ours will be unrecognizable in 2 more years.

  7. There is a practical point here, that I hope the opposition raises. Is it really shrewd to sell off assets during an economic downturn, will you get maximum return, or will other's benefit from "buying opportunities" at the expense of the Canadian public?

  8. Steve V:

    It is worse than that. With Flaherty's reknown creative accounting, the Cons get to credit their next budget with the sale proceeds for whatever they propose to sell at whatever price they decide is market. Then they go out and sell it, or don't, and catch the next budget up to what really happened.

    Unless they don't sell it next year, in which case they keep the credit for the future sale and hold onto the asset for a while.

    That's what they did for several years in Ontario and why it was a surprise deficit: they couldn't shuffle the cups any longer and the budget caught up to the fact certain Crown assets had not been sold and so the revenue had to come out of the budget or were sold for less than recorded previously in prior budgets.

    Why can't Canadians learn from Ontarians experience with its provincial leaders. Why would anyone have expected them to do anything different?

  9. "Why can't Canadians learn from Ontarians experience with its provincial leaders. Why would anyone have expected them to do anything different?"

    It's all predicated on voter apathy, and you know what, they might be right, as depressing as it sounds.

  10. "Why can't Canadians learn from Ontarians experience with its provincial leaders. Why would anyone have expected them to do anything different?"

    ...maybe more like "why can't ONTARIANS learn from ONTARIANS experience with its provincial leaders. Last time I checked the conservatives gained 11 seats in that province in the last election (with a total of 51).

  11. "Why can't Canadians learn from Ontarians experience with its provincial leaders. Why would anyone have expected them to do anything different?"

    That is the problem, voters dont remember the hardship that some Provincal Leaders have done. Case in point is Bob Rae who caused a big debt, and he wants to be PM? Ontario voters have a bad memory.

    The last time I voted Liberal was when PM JC PROMISED to get rid/change the GST which was in their Red Book. I would be open for Liberals again if they had a platform and a leader without political baggage.

  12. Ontario voters have a bad memory.

    Sorry, not all of us do.
