Tuesday, November 18, 2008

“The truth is that this will prove to be in court the biggest mistake the leader of the Liberal Party ever made”

Or maybe NOT SO MUCH.

My hunch, the lawyer wanted to drop the case or settle for a paltry sum. After Harper's own expert confirmed the authenticity of the tape, which was the cornerstone of Harper's case, one can see how this entire proceeding might go horribly wrong for the Conservatives.

Richard Dearden may have told his client things he doesn't want to hear, like maybe "the truth is that this will prove to be in court the biggest mistake the leader of the Conservative Party ever made". Something like that.


  1. According to the reports, the LPC are still waiting for certain documents the CPC have apparently been hesitant to produce. My guess is the lawyer withdrew because the CPC are playing games with their obligations here. Dearden does not want to be attached to a client that does not seem to appreciate the seriousness of his obligations to the Court.

  2. gayle

    Maybe they don't realize, that unlike an election campaign, in court you can't bury what you don't want people to see.

  3. This whole court challenge was to give the Conservatives the "I cannot comment on something that is before the courts" excuse until they won their majority government.

    The Canadian electorate threw a monkey wrench into that plan and now they find themselves scrambling.

    They still want that excuse but even they cannot tie up the famously slow wheels of justice that long.

  4. ottlib

    I think part of it too, the court angle was a rash decision, made in the heat of the moment. I think the Cons concluded it would kill the story in the short term, and the Libs would cave as it proceeded, to broke to put up much a fight. You'll remember, this suit was launched in short order, clearly a tactical way to chill the debate, it was never a well thought out idea.

  5. it was never a well thought out idea.

    They don't seem to have too many of those.

    It'll be interesting to see how this plays out and whether or not the media will cover it.

    Something tells me their focus is going to be on the Lib's, again.

  6. "Something tells me their focus is going to be on the Lib's, again."

    I think that a good call ;)

  7. I can't wait for "in and out" to return. With evidence of Team Harper honchos calling reluctant riding executives like the one in London Ont, "turds" and "whiners" for not participating in the scam.
