Monday, January 11, 2010

On The Road

Here's a clip of Ignatieff, doing something Harper "man of the people" has NEVER done. I think they call it a townhall:

By all accounts, they had to set up an overflow room and beyond that people were turned away.


  1. To be honest, it seems like it's been 12 long months since I've seen Ignatieff (and his team) making very well calculated moves. Donolo is a true professional; At least that's what it's looking like today. It's so much fun to see Harper trying to get out of the massive hole he's dug himself into.

  2. I just watched the entire townhall on CPAC. Whatever your persuasion, it was refreshing to hear substantive discussion. I thought he did a fantastic job, in the face of some pointed questioning.

  3. To me, it's more than just a better new strategy. Donolo or someone has finally convinced Ignatieff to be himself, and no better way to kick it off then in his academic element. If Ignatieff keeps it up like this, off the cuff, sophisticated, frank and honest, he'll earn my vote...and I bet I'm not the only one thinking this way.

  4. I heard him when he was at Wilfrid Laurier University in the fall and he was electric.

    Ignatieff is an incredible speaker and I'm glad to hear him speaking less like Ottawa and more like Canada.

  5. It was when I saw him speak in a intimate setting, that I took another look at the guy.
