Tuesday, February 16, 2010

"I Believe", With Poll


  1. I've been watching NBC even without having to be subjected to "I Believe" because, well, it's coverage and presentation is superior. Having said that, I will watch tonights mens hockey game on CTV. Maybe.

  2. The first period is on CTV, then the second is split between TSN and OLN, with the third being on Sportsnet.

  3. Probably the whole game. Last night, trying to follow the 500 skating was annoying, kept moving it around different stations.

    A lot of bad press today for the Olympics from the foreign media. Some bad themes starting to gel. Hopefully the zamboni works tonight!

  4. The first period is on CTV, then the second is split between TSN and OLN, with the third being on Sportsnet.

    Dear Lord that's just insane. Who thought of this crap? All hockey should be broadcast on CBC with Don & Grapes providing analysis in between periods ...like the hockey gods intended :)

  5. I was just joking. CTV has moved other events around on various networks, making it impossible to follow. One network, ONE event!

  6. CTV apparently would far rather promote its other networks over actually covering the events.

    More idiocy from the bean counters rather than the programmers.

  7. Well you got me Steve - CTV's Olympic coverage is that scattered I really believed you. Even so I say major hockey broadcasts should be held on CBC ...by royal decree.

  8. We've been watching it on NBC - CTV is pathetic.

    The other night CTV kept saying the pairs figures skating will be on in 90 minutes - we tuned in, they showed "one" set and then said the rest could be seen on Rogers Sportsnet.

    Tuned into NBC got the whole thing.

    Duh - there are areas in Canada that don't have Rogers - mine being one of them.

  9. KW

    I bit to dry today I suppose :)

  10. I have been not watching any coverage. I have many reasons not to, but I'll fess up and also say I don't give a hoot under the best of conditions. We don't watch any sports here.
    But I clicked on that vid and was instantly reminded of a generic Disney song from a direct to DVD of the little mermaid/princess variety. With two little girls in the house here, I know of what I speak. Blech. Tripe.

  11. Steve,

    The song is very catchy. We'll get a chance to see how tired of it we ultimately get.

    With respect to the foreign media whining about our rah rah, and our crummy venues, and the Olympics just being plain stupid, well guess what, nobody is listening. It is ultimately just something to become cynical about.

    Will London care what we say about 2012? Did Beijing care? (Actually they did because they wanted to economically punish those foreign countries that dared make negative comments).

    It is ultimately just too petty for words.

  12. ..our crummy venues, and the Olympics just being plain stupid..

    If this country ever manages to procure another Winter Olympiad (and I'm hoping that's never) here's hoping it's staged at a venue that has, you know, winter.

  13. Tuktoyaktuk 2054!!!

    That far in the future, maybe one of the few areas left in Canada where water freezes over in the winter?
