Thursday, July 29, 2010

Iggy Pop

Ignatieff, visiting MuchMusic:

h/t Susan Delacourt twit pic.

Be kind in the comments :)

For BCL:


  1. Gee, where was he when the Igster was doing his free concert at Dundas Square?

    Well, at least he does not look quite as dorky as Bush dancing in Africa.

  2. I can't tell if he's attempting to do the twist or expelling gas. Oh well, good on him anyway. At least this man will wade in and actually interact with actual Canadians. Given we've just had a big provincial Liberal win here in my neck of the woods I certainly hope a West Nova visit is on the bus route itinerary.

  3. I notice Blogging Tory BC BLUE is mocking the pic in his current bloggie post and on Twitty. Clearly Iggy's doin' something right!

    Get down and boogie!

  4. He's a man of the people, because most people can't dance worth shit.

    Is there a vid on youtube yet?

  5. Great -- now I know i can relate to this guy. He's got as much rhythm as shag carpet, which is one step up from me.
    And its funny watching the CONbots struggle to change the channel on their own troubles. If its not negative all the time from that crew, why are they surprised that it comes back at them at times?

  6. Hmmm, mildly disappointed as after reading that headline I was hoping this blog post was about a Stooges reunion and an Iggy Pop sighting at Not-MuchMusic.

    That said, you have to give the other Iggy some points for having the guts to do that. Yes he looked kind of square, but I would have looked 10 times worse attempting that …and fortunately he stopped before it became too awkward looking.

    And finally, can you image Harper trying that?

  7. I just checked for any upcoming Liberal Express events scheduled for the Maritimes. I see 8 visits to New Brunswick, 4 to PEI and none for Nova Scotia. None for NS? Wtf? I know that internal polling likely shows us to be not the target audience, but I think taking us THAT for granted might be a mistake. Dr Evil says, throw us a frickin' bone here!

  8. KW

    Funhouse is one of the best albums ever.

    Iggy keeps saying all 10 provinces, so not sure about the NS thing...

  9. Funhouse is far better record then Raw Power (two different bands I know), but you'll still get most people preferring the more commercially flavoured latter to the acidly jazzed-up former. I also prefer the Euro-gloomy 'The Idiot' over the more radio friendly 'Lust for Life' to most peoples disagreement. I love Iggy Pop, but I think it's time he kept his shirt on in public. Both Iggy's should come to NS this summer.
