Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Last Chance Express?

Ignatieff embarks on his much anticipated, election style, bus tour today. While it's true that the summer is a tough time to try and get traction, it's also true that the Liberals desperately need a catalyst to change their fortunes. Within that reality, this bus tour contains more expectations than your run of the mill bbq circuit, that we are normally accustomed to.

It's starting to feel like an election is near, the window between this fall and the next budget. It's difficult to see how this Parliament soldiers on for much longer, so in every respect Ignatieff's bus tour is really a campaign dry run. Liberals have ramped up expectations, you sense some enthusiasm, which places some pressure on Ignatieff to deliver. I'm not sure what exactly would constitute a success, but at the very least some sense that Ignatieff has turned a corner, in terms of perception. This tour must address the chief liabilities, that of an out of touch, elitist, wishy washy, uninspiring leader. One can't expect a complete makeover, but some progress is essential.

My chief worry with this tour, is that Liberals adopt a traditional, safe approach and don't grab any headlines, don't present something different that tweaks interest. I admit a big red flag when I first heard that Chretien and Martin will join Ignatieff at stops to support and bolster. Truth be told, it makes Ignatieff look weak in some respects, and it also highlights a persistent problem for the Liberals- looking backward for inspiration and relevance. Apart from Liberal partisans, there is no great affection for government's past, and the former leaders presence (one defeated by Harper) only serves to reaffirm an old guard feel to a party that so desperately needs a FRESH, forward looking presentation. Count me as unimpressed with this decision, it tends to support my view that we still don't quite get it, in relation to where Canadians are at- the nostalgia routine is a one way street I can assure you.

Ignatieff has a lot to offer, and hopefully this tour generates some lather as time goes on. Ignatieff is quite strong and affable in these type of settings, so there is an opportunity to show a contrast with the perception to date. You don't want to overstate expectations, but one must also accept a sober reality, which in many respects makes this tour a make or break it moment. Time is running out to put a pre-election positive stamp, and unless our only real hope is to pray for a complete Harper meltdown, Ignatieff needs to crawl out of this daunting hole in short order.


  1. "Ignatieff has a lot to offer"

    So his mother might say ...
    I'm sceptical, without any good evidence so far.

  2. Cons are slamming it already - must be worried it may work.

    Notice - they slam everything he does.

    I think they're worried about it.

    They don't want people to get to know him.

    Imagine that - he's touring the country so the world is coming to an end.

  3. Policy, policy, policy. There are so many policy opportunities laying at the feet of the Libs if only they will take them up. It's only through policy that they can reconnect with an increasingly disengaged voting public.

  4. The Mound of Sound said...

    Policy, policy, policy. There are so many policy opportunities laying at the feet of the Libs if only they will take them up. It's only through policy that they can reconnect with an increasingly disengaged voting public.

    Yes! Finally someone gets it: it's not about "getting to know Ignatieff". We've had two years to get to know him, and unfortunately we just don't like him. Sorry, but it's true; more than one person has told me that they find him "creepy" and cold. Then there's his many gaffes and miscalculations, his bluffs followed by embarrassing retreats, MPs openly defying him at will, etc, etc.

    Yeah, I know he's your leader. But the public has spoken and they won't be changing their minds. The only thing that *might* work in your favor is popular policies (and I don't mean pandering to select groups at the expense of others) and the sense that the Liberals are once again ready to lead. Don't fly trial balloons and discard them when people balk....that's just amateurish. Put the policy wonks to work and see what they can come up with.

    (and don't shoot the messenger, okay? You know I'm right...or at least not far wrong...)
