Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Look

Finally, after a quite some time I've upgraded by blog. I've had many "complaints" in the past about the black background being hard to read. Hope you like the new look.


  1. I loved the old black background! But then, I love goth music....

  2. oops, I didn't see the new post. As I said in the post below, this is much, much better!

  3. The old one was what it was. It especially worked for the "Lester" Gibson post.

    The new one has some beautiful mountains in it. Where about might I ask? Coast Range?

  4. The old one was the Purcell range, near where I once lived. This one, not sure to be honest.

  5. I've always found white on black easier to read as it is less bright for the eyes. Either way. The Blog looks great this way too!

  6. Kudos! This is much better on my all-to-fast aging eyes. May the new format further assist and abet your mission to bring clarity and transparency to the events at hand!

  7. Clear as YOU ARE...i like it better.
