Monday, May 07, 2012

We Really Are At "War"

Environmental groups are taking to the air today to fight against the Harper government policies. Described as response to the "war" against the environment, this is entirely accurate, as disturbing as it sounds. With that reality in mind, another foot soldier has joined the ranks today, I have taken out a membership with the Sierra Club Canada. In the past I have attended rallies and such, but have never formally joined any organization. Thank you to Stephen Harper and his band of backward misfits, I can no longer passively support, I need to financially and physically assist in any way I can. I suspect I'm not alone....


The Mound of Sound said...

Steve, you may have missed it but
Rafe Mair, the Common Sense Canadian, made a powerful case yesterday for civil disobedience to push back against Harper's and other governments' environmental depredations.

The Victoria Times Colonist yesterday exposed the Potemkin Village of non-existant environmental security Harper is building to mask the Northern Gateway/supertanker nightmare.

When people like me are willing to get arrested to stop the Northern Gateway you can be sure there is no shortage of others who will use stronger measures. I hope if they do blow the goddamned thing up they at least do it somewhere inside Alberta.

Congratulations on stepping up. Now let's get more on board. Steve, I can sense real unrest building here in British Columbia. When a centre-right paper like the Times Colonist turns so strongly against Enbridge and Kinder Morgan, throwing in with the centre and centre-left, Harper should become worried.

A columnist from the paper last week said we're up against the 3 CPCs - the Conservative Party of Canada, the Communist Party of China, and the Calgary Petroleum Club.

Steve V said...

I agree. I sense a tipping point that is forcing reasonable people to become "radicalized". I'm going to try and recruit other people I know, I'm going to get involved more than just showing up at rallies, it is simply astounding what is happening.

The trouble with seeing everyone as enemies, you make a lot :)

Anyong said...

there are many people inside Alberta who are environmentlist and whom belong to the Sierra club.

Steve V said...


sunsin said...

First Nations groups are going to have a field day. Have they ever operated with broad and general public support before? It occurred to me that it was China fighting on our side in the Second World War that overcame racism to the extent of getting Asian people the vote, and it might be First Nations people standing up for the environment that creates the political climate in which land claims and such issues can be settled to the satisfaction of both parties in something less than a thousand years.

Steve V said...

Harper is uniting people, it may not be happening politically with a divided opposition, but beyond that superficial layer it is happening.