Let's keep it real, Trudeau will win this leadership race. But, that fact doesn't distract from what amounts to a genuine grassroots movement that is developing behind the Murray campaign, one that gets louder with each passing day. What remains to be seen is true manifestation, but there is no doubt the "buzz" is real, Murray has momentum. The Liberal process is wide open- adding a new wrinkle to the Cullen model- perhaps providing further elevation for an idea which enjoys broad support outside of traditional tribal considerations. That "outside" groups are lining up behind Murray, further evidence that an appetite exists for a united progressive alternative.
As I read the Murray campaign, it isn't just about co-operation, but a true BIG L LIBERAL agenda, that makes "support" all the more appealing. When you look at some of the endorsements coming Murray's way, it is clear the intrigue begins with co-operation, but is affirmed with a coherent progressive policy agenda. Observers should note the candidate with perceived traction in the race is the "leftie", not the Conservative-lite artriculations, perhaps a testament that the progressive wing of the Liberal Party is alive and well and recruiting more like minded people as we speak.
When I voted for the "supporter" designation at the Convention, what is transpiring now was my hope, namely someone would emerge and attract new people into the equation, breathing life into the Liberal Party. Again, lets not forget the impact Trudeau has had, is having, and will in the future, but we can walk and chew gum at the same time here. Joyce Murray is where the action is, the fact it comes under the co-operation banner, all the more enticing and interesting moving forward. Let us also not forget that Trudeau has basically mused about the same need for co-operation in the recent past, latest "company man" articulations aside.
I have no idea the ultimate vote totals when the dust settles, but it is fair to draw some conclusions already. There is an appeal in the land for co-operation, it exists, it is tangible and it seeks to organize itself under a unifying banner. Big picture we have "star" power lining, anecdotally I can say I know of three in recent days signing up to support the Liberal Party because of Joyce Murray. Something is clearly afoot and no matter the final result, people are foolish to ignore the potential impact moving forward. Co-operation, mergers, arrangements, whatever, those that become proponents find fertile ground.