Sunday, March 26, 2006

Emerson Protests Come to Ottawa

The Emerson scandal is revealing all kinds of fascinating and creative ways to highlight dissent. This is a great idea:

David Emerson will be the target of an aerial protest over Parliament Hill next month...

A Vancouver-Kingsway resident has hired a small aircraft and pilot out of Toronto to fly over Ottawa as Parliament opens April 4, towing a banner with a message for Emerson.

That message will read "David Emerson Call Home", in 1.5-metre-high letters along a 40-metre banner.

The plane won't fly directly above the Parliament buildings, but will be close for MPs to see it as they arrive for the speech from the throne, said organizer Manuel Pereda.

Those lawn signs are a hit:
Meantime, protests continue elsewhere in the riding. Nine teams hit the streets Saturday, filling requests from homeowners for lawn signs that read De-elect David Emerson.

About 600 signs have been posted in the riding since last weekend. There is a backlog of 180 requests.

Chalmers said they are thinking of ordering additional signs to follow up on an initial order of 1,000.

No matter the outcome, what a terrific statement on the will of the people to be heard.

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