Thursday, January 18, 2007

Baird Trolls For Votes In Stanley Park

They care, they really care:
Newly-appointed Environment Minister John Baird has pledged $2 million to help restore Vancouver's Stanley Park, heavily damaged by a series of winter storms.

"We think the future of the park is something that's important -- it's very important to people in Vancouver, but it's also a national treasure," Baird told reporters as he stood beside the city's mayor, Sam Sullivan.

He also said that the financial pledge "is a real signal that our government places a real high priority on the environment."

I wonder if anyone remembers the last time two federal ministers were present to announce a 2 million dollar expenditure? Don't get me wrong, the federal government should commit money to the cause, but did we really need another photo-op? Baird and Lunn presented the mayor with the cheque, which measured six feet by three feet, just in case your eyes are failing.

Baird just visited Stanley Park last week, why did he and Lunn find it necessary to waste taxpayer dollars for a return visit? Mileage, mileage, mileage. Look at us, we care, we'll be back.

As an aside, apparently during this tour, Baird happened upon a dislodged eagle nest, in and amongst the debris. As Baird bent over to examine the nest, he noticed a baby eglet inside, still alive! Baird cuddled the abandoned eglet and gently placed it inside his jacket pocket. After conferring with Lunn, Baird told reporters he planned to bring the bird back to his residence in Ottawa, personally nurse the eglet back to health and then return it to the park once it reached maturity. Baird said "it's the least I could do for the people of the lower mainland, especially those in Liberal held areas." What a guy, he really does care.


  1. Watch out, some right winger might quote your last paragraph as fact.

  2. Although Bard says that his govt 'government places a real high priority on the environment," flying again to Vancouver in less than a week, says not so. Milage is one thing, the gas, exhaust from this flight is one of the biggest contributers to global warming. Bard needs envir lession 101. Quit flying uselessly around.

  3. i liked the signature on the check -- 'Canada's New Government'. Is that why they needed to go back to Ottawa, force feed some tv images on a focus group, then jet back with Ed McMahon's check book? Can they be more desperate?

  4. Yah, kinda like Harper standing beside that big GST sign in the store in the last election.
    Come to think of it, he won that election!

    Where is Harper, all you see is his Ministers.? Why is he muzzling himself??

  5. Don't you just get tired of being treated like children with these constant show and tell photo-ops? This is on "taxpayer" money. We need a petition from 100's of thousands of taxpayers to request the end of this total waste of money - flights, fuel, accomodation, food and show and tell signs,etc. Enough already!

    By the way, why is Baird looking so sloppy these days? He looks like he picked his pants up off the floor and wore them again.
