Saturday, March 17, 2007

"Hard Working People"

Sweating like a spent sumo wrestler, Prime Minister Harper made the following comment:
"Never lose sight of what we are and who we serve: Canadian families and Canadian taxpayers," he told them in Toronto on Saturday.

He described them as "hard-working people who didn't have the time to stage protests"

I agree, real people don't have time for protests, only the lazy fringe:

Don't you have crops to sow?:

Look at this group of slackers, speaking up for democracy in Vancouver/Kingsway:

Slacking knows no bounds, look at this group of teachers out front of Alberta's legislation. Recess is over hippies:

It's our land now, get over it and get a job:

The other side, doesn't anyone work in Caledonia?:

Notice the tie, get back to the office and be productive:

Conservative MP Jason Kenney speaking at a National Council of Resistance of Iran rally:

Stephen Harper, champion of the passive indifferent.


  1. Well done Steve. I didn't hear his speech, or rather I tuned into CBC just as he closed. It looked like, sounded like, a Dubya election stop.

    Now, that's not to say that the Lib's wouldn't rally their troops either, but it just seemed odd at a time when there is no election.

    I would have to agree with some of the pundits, in that, if he gets everyone juiced and there is no election, that is a huge amount of energy and expense wasted.

    Ha! I was going to say that it will be difficult to just repeat yourself in a few months and get everyone charged up again, but then I thought for a second and realised, they can say the same things over and over and over again, and it seems to register as new, with their base.

    Your post is bang on and illustrates to me the disconnect that the con's seem quite happy to accept, perpetuate and embellish.

    You know, this is the kind of debunking the MSM should be doing, but they won't. They'll report what an enthusiastic rally it was, who said what, etc. Those indeed are facts, but so is what you presented here.

  2. Hi knb. You probably know this, but the CTV website has the video from the speech tonight- it's interesting, and insanely hot apparently. At one point drops of sweat come down off Harper's ear.

  3. Who the hell in the Conservative brain trust scheduled a major speech for St. Patrick's Day?

    Who the hell in the Conservative brain trust scheduled a major speech on a night when the Canadiens and the Maple Leafs were playing each other and when both are in a tight race for the final playoff spot?

    Yep, Stephen Harper is certainly a political genius.

  4. No, I hadn't seen that, but did notice on the bit I saw, that he was sweating.

    You know what though, seeing that makes me uncomfortable. Not in a political sense, but he looked unhealthy. I'm not joking here, I know he's overweight and has asthma, but he's a young man and that just didn't look right.

    I may be one of that strongest people I know who are opposed to Harper, but I don't wish that on him.

    ottlib, good points. He got his crowd, but outside of them, who is listening? Actually, I don't know. Did they play the whole thing on CBC Newsworld?

  5. Great post - didn't you love the bit about "mowing their lawns" - who has a lawn? who can afford a lawn? who wants a lawn?!


  6. All that sweating and his hair didn't move. Either he wears a toupe or he uses a half a can of hairspray.

    Seriously though - hopefully he isn't ill. The flu is going around.

    Sweating that much doesn't look good for his image and he is very concerned about his "tough" manly image.

  7. In the US the great coalition that came together after Goldwater and reached fruition with Reagan is coming apart at the seams. Conservative liberatarians are fighting with fiscal conservatives who are blaming social conservatives who are mad at everybody and all of them are pissed at the current republican leadership.

    But will anyone in the Canadian punditocracy observe that the conservative movement that underpins the Harper Conservatives is composed of the same coalition and alost certain to undergo the same internal collapse?

    Not likely.


    Because it doesn't make for good copy until its actually blowing up in our face, that's why.

    They'll think its newsworthy shortly after the damage is done and then they'll piss and moan that no one could have seen it coming.

    One day some clown with fading makeup will head for the loo to touch up the grin and notice that he can't see his or her reflection in the mirror.

    There's no good end in store in any of what's happening in the world right now.

    Jacques Brel is reputed to have said of the bourgoisie, "If you left it to them they'd crochet the world the colour of gooseshit."

    Sounds about right.
