Thursday, April 26, 2007

Stockwell Day Is Right

In response to a question today in parliament, Stockwell "Mr. Cool" Day made the following comment (paraphrasing):

"It's common in debate, that when you raise you voice you're losing the argument"

I completely agree. BTW, did anyone happen to catch Harper turning beat red, screaming and ranting during Question Period today?


  1. missed it but glad to hear that there is still comedy on daytime TV.

  2. I did indeed. What I did not see was any coherent answer given by anyone on the Gov't side and I'm now more confused than ever.

    I don't know what the government is up to, but something is very wrong re' afghanistan.

    Toew's is a class act isn't he? Calling opposition members buddies of the Taliban, in the House.

    I expect that idiocy from juvenile trolls who frequent these blogs, but from a member of parliament? Though given who it is, I guess I'm not really surprised.

  3. It should make the news, Harper hasn't looked that animated for quite some time.


    Did you catch how many times the Conservatives demanded an apology, whether it be Harper, Day or Oda, on several topics. Those whiny Conservatives :)

  4. That would be a fantastic counter to the BS videos the Cons released earlier in the year.

    "You are losing a debate when you raise your voice"

    Screaming something at someone in parliament

    "You are losing a debate when you raise your voice"

    Screaming something at someone elsewhere.

    "You are losing a debate when you raise your voice."

    and so on...

  5. Good pick-up Steve V.

    I would think about paying money to anyone who could get a hold of that video of Stock Day.



  6. CTV has video of Harper ranting at the Liberals and Bloc.

  7. Couldn't find it. Do you have a more specific link?

  8. Go down the page until you see "highlights of question period"
    CTV broadband.

  9. QP will be rerun on CPAC tonight at 9:00 I believe. Damn, I missed QP today - our cable went out.

    But I did catch Duceppe's response afterwards. Duceppe's look almost shocked and said the "Haper has lost the dignity to be PM".

    Duceppe said that all the Conservatives say especially Harper is you are with him or you support the Taliban - just because you ask questions.

    The Afghan file is in shambles - no doubt about it.

  10. it's just hard questions from the elected representatives of the people. If the Conservatives can't handle it maybe they don't deserve to lead this country. (((Also, the opposition parties are not defending the Talibans they are defending our soldiers who could face retaliation and prosecution. The Conservatives are too dumb and or partisan to understand that

  11. Keep drinking that kool-aid children.

    Mr. Harper is far and away superior to anything the Left has to offer.

    Cons are down right now, and yet leading in polls anyways.

    Liberal cheerleaders are praising the new ad, too funny.

    No matter how they try to portray Dion he looks like a wimp. he actually makes chretien look like a leader instead of a divider.

  12. ...says the person who is so sure of their convictions that they have to post as "anonymous".

    Yea.. real brave of you. Doesn't Harper's constituency office have better things to do, like maybe ring up the psychic to see what she thinks of all this?

  13. anon

    "Keep drinking that kool-aid children."

    If Dion is such a wimp, then why is Harper DOWN in the polls. I'd love a drink, but apparently you drank it all.

    BTW, I'm going to just start deleting the trolls. There is never any substance, and I graduated from grade two long ago.

  14. Just watch, the next new thing we're going to see from the new government will be the prime minster's fluffer get a real job description in the public service, and dashing out between questions and (non) answers to powder his face to keep the colour right.
