Thursday, May 24, 2007

Charest Should Blink

Charest had better hope this PQ proposal is accepted:
Under National Assembly rules, budgets cannot be amended. Speaker Jean-Pierre Saintonge made this decision in June, 1993, at a time when nobody envisaged a minority government. The PQ has asked that the rule be changed. Speaker Michel Bissonnet will likely announce his decision today.

If you take the opposition parties at their word, Charest will have to back off his taxcuts or face an election. Given the fact that Quebecers have already rejected Charest's election promise as a cynical attempt to essentially buy votes, it would seem political suicide to fight another election with these taxcuts as the centerpiece.

The Liberals may have gambled that the PQ wouldn't relish another election, as they re-tool. The stubborn budget may prove to be the final nail in Charest's coffin. While there is an argument for blaming the opposition for the cost of another election, Charest will still be forced to defend, allowing the other parties to argue substance over political expediency.


  1. With the new leader of the Parti Québécois (PQ), Pauline Marois do you think that perhaps an election might be somewhat palatable to Quebecers? Marois does seem to have strong support (at least within the PQ.).

    Just asking.

  2. I'm not an expert on Quebec politics, but Marois might have some momentum, and they can fastrack the nomination with a united party. Charest seems to have acted as though he has a majority, the Harper principle, except he doesn't necessarily enjoy the benefit of a handicapped opposition. This might prove to be a massive blunder.

  3. "...acted as though he has a majority, the Harper principle"

    ha ha :)

  4. As I mentioned my way, people seem to be forgetting the Lieutenant-Governor could also just ask the ADQ if they want to try forming the government by gaining th confidence of the Assembly.

  5. Of course, the opposition parties can vote against the budget... but keep most of their MNAs at home the day of the vote. There was a vote the other day that could have brought down the government but the ADQ conveniently had only one MNA in the Assembly at the time...

  6. Sorry to be off topic here Steve, but it looks like another Con lie has been exposed.

    Geez, that's about all Baird ever talks about, Dion's record. Maybe this means he'll be quiet for a while, :).

  7. knb

    It will be interesting to see the 2006 numbers.

  8. According to Antonio over at Fuddle-Duddle, Pauline Marois of the PQ has said she's "open" to an ADQ minority government without needing an election.

    Looking for a quote in the media on that - stay tuned

  9. "Pauline Marois of the PQ has said she's "open" to an ADQ minority government without needing an election."

    Is she crazy? Let the party that has marginalized become the government, I'll believe that one when I see it. Posturing?

  10. More at Fuddle Duddle - it was actually the PQ interim leader who said it... not Marois.. but you have to think there was consultation there before that statement was said to reporters.

  11. scott

    It just seems counter-intuitive, unless you think the ADQ would fall flat with a raw team. I'm inclined to think this is brinkmanship to force Charest into a concession.
