Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Developing Liberal Scandal

I can hardly believe it myself, thanks to National Newswatch for putting this breaking scandal right on the front page of their news wire. Are you sitting down? It would appear that the people behind the hilarious Ecofraud website might be ordinary citizens, who belong to a party other than the Conservatives.

Shocking. More evidence of Liberal dirty tricks? Or, more evidence that Conservatives lack a sense of humor? I’ll update as National Newswatch continues to follow-up on this emerging scandal. Good work to all involved, this is clearly a very relevant story. Ordinary citizens, expressing an opinion through satire, that might not be supportive of Stephen Harper. This is huge, stay tuned. Sponsorship II?

Scott Tribe emailed the National Newswatch about their policies for frontpage postings. I think the following response is relevant, to be fair:
Sure, I link to "Conservative" bloggers. That doesn't come as a surprise to me because the vast majority of bloggers I post links to, actually send me a email, asking for a link. I don't post all submitted links from bloggers if their blog post is just basically a link to a MSM news piece. It should have some originality - if you know what I mean. That's an editorial decision I stand by, and I refuse to censor any blogger or deny them publicity based on their political affiliation.

It's as simple as promoting yourself. If progressives send me a link, it will have a good chance of getting posted on NNW. But I won't apologize for not having the time to search blogs for stories to link to. I dig for MSM news, whereas bloggers send me their news. At this point, the Conservative bloggers seem to be way ahead of everyone else when it comes to promoting their blogs. I have a theory as to why this is and it has to do with being in opposition for 13 years. They have better adapted to the 'New Media' and have a much better grip on how to use the net to their advantage.

That's just my opinion and shouldn't be taken as a partisan political statement.

Fair enough.


  1. The funny thing - or great thing, depending on your point of view - is that in the attempt to create a scandal out of this, websites like Halls of Macadamia, small dead animals and National Newswatch are spreading the news about the brilliant site way faster and further then it otherwise would be.

    The ecofraud facebook page has had over 10,000 visits in two days and 500 members already.

    So by trying to make up a scandal, they've helped highlight the real scandal that is the Conservatives third attempt at a decent environmental plan.

    Well done!

    Nothing pays like earned media!

  2. Personally.. I am shocked to find out that no one other then a Conservative can make up a spoof site. Is that in the Charter somewhere that I missed?

  3. Scott,

    yeah, it's in the "It's okay if you are a conservative clause" of the constitution. It's a little known clause somewhat like the nonwithstanding act, which gives the conservatives permission to basically do whatever underhanded crap they want to so they can get elected, while still pissing on everyone else because everyone else is supposed to be more moral than the conservatives, and everyone already knows the cons are crooks.

    Or at least that's the impression I'm getting from this batch of cons.

  4. Steve:

    Why dont you write National Newswatch back with that little tidbit of info I mentioned earlier (about Craig Smith and the URL he uses at my site to identify himself with) and see what they have to say about that?

    Also ask them why the blogs they're using over there seem to be tilted toward the Blogging Tories.. and why there aren't any from Liblogs/Blogging Dippers/Green Bloggers/Progressive Bloggers

  5. Scott

    That's a good point. The National Newswatch has taken an interest in who is behind EcoFraud, they should have no problem divulging who is behind their site, in the interest of transparency.

    Email them Scott, I'm sure they will see the logic in consistency.

  6. Why dont you write National Newswatch back with that little tidbit of info I mentioned earlier (about Craig Smith and the URL he uses at my site to identify himself with) and see what they have to say about that?

    I predict that will get zero response. I'm psychic that way. I'm not; I just know rightwingers extremely well (I live with them, I work with them). Their favourite action is no action. After all, if you don't say anything, no one can call you a liar, right?

    Too bad it's had to go so far as having a pro-torture federal government. Everyone who voted these miscreants into power should have to regret it for the rest of their lives. And they will.

  7. Uh Steve, I suggested it to you first ;)

  8. Come on guys. Will no one step up to the plate? Whatever happened to responsibility and accountability!

  9. gayle

    I've already had two spirited email exchanges with the National Newswatch, which Scott knows. We need some fresh blood, besides I doubt I would get a response again. I don't think they appreciated my last "Tory rag" comment, in lieu of all the Sun Media columns that seem to dominate the frontpage.

  10. Steve:

    You wouldn't happen to have an IP address or host address from when the National Newswatch guys wrote you back? If you did, I could compare it to what I have for the person of interest I'm suspicious of.

  11. Oh, and FWIW, I have written a polite letter to them asking them why no other blogs besides BLogging Tory ones featured... and why no Green Blogger listing for the political blogger groups (Progressive Bloggers is in their links of blogs.. so I complimented them for that).

  12. The jury is still out on what NNW is all about, but when they run something this trivial, as though it were newsworthy, it makes you wonder.

  13. I wish the owner of the site had the energy to build one for other departments. Goodness knows there is an awful lot of material there!

  14. Liberanos. OMG was that the brainchild of a .... CONSERVATIVE!? Gasp.

  15. I saw that over at SDA this morning. What a joke. They want to sue the creator for misuse of the Canada wordmark. LOL. Get a life.
