Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wild Weather

Here are a couple pictures of a storm that came through our area on July 8/07:


  1. Great shots! Yours?
    If you don't mind, where are you in ON?

  2. A friend sent them. Taken just south of Mildmay, Ontario. It's funny, because just after I posted these, they issued a tornado warning for my county. Off to the basement :)

  3. Yikes! Yes there have been warnings here all day, but somehow it keeps skirting around us.

    Good luck!

    Where's Mildmay?

  4. Bruce County. Can I share a geek moment? :) I heard about this storm, and then they issued a tornado warning for a town about 10 minutes from my house, Elmira. I decided to go for a drive, with 4 year old son in tow. We drove into the storm, but it was alittle hairy for a child, so I went back to a sideroad out in the country and sat with him, watching the storm. The sun was close to setting, and colors were absolutely beautiful. We watched the storm rotating and a couple we saw black, whispy clouds come to the ground, only to retreat back up. It was a wild experience, until we came home and my wife berated me for taking a small child "storm chasing". LOL.

  5. I'm now using your second picture as my "background". Love storm pics.

    PS. Be careful with your kid. In a wind like that they can get thrown a long way.

  6. bcl

    Saskboy has a fantastic pic on his site you should checkout. Don't worry, where we stopped was well out of the danger zone :)

  7. Well my friend, I'm hard pressed to disagree with your wife, but I'm glad you're both safe.

    Elmira. My partner is from there. I've never heard him mention Mildmay though.

    Pretty part of the province.

  8. About a half hour north of Elmira. I'm hard pressed to disagree too :)

  9. Just to clarify on the visual of the reckless dad taking his young son into the dangerous maelstorm, as soon as it looked dicey I immediately turned around and we then watched from a very safe distance- the sun was actually out from our vantage point. My wife was primarily concerned because I said I would be back in 10 minutes and we were gone for almost 2 hours, without the cell. Too much information I know, but that little man is my soul, so I didn't want to give the impression that I'm careless with his safety :)

  10. Nice pictures. I have some of a hail storm that shattered Allan SK a few days ago. It smashed and shredded windows, and put holes in roofs and siding not to mention vehicles. I didn't see the vegetation but it must be nearly gone.

  11. Those are some awesome pictures. You have a nice blog!
