Friday, October 05, 2007

What A Shame

Canadian wingnuttery may never be the same. God's speed Ezra, you crazy bastard.


  1. Yaahoo! Sorry, is that inappropriate? It seemed decidedly western to me, lol.

    Oh, the "echo" as he terms it, seems to left to the BT's and we all know how respected they are.

    Great find Steve and great news!

  2. I love the part where he says, despite record advertising revenue, we can't continue. LOL.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Finally it sputtered to an end. The World's Biggest Bookstore sold no more than 3 copies of any edition.

    They couldn't get the page numbering right. For the longest time, the even numbered page was on the right--not the left where it should have been.

    At least Levant's been silenced again and Byfield has yet another failure to his credit--other than his offspring.

    Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  5. It'll take more than bad management, near bankruptcy and lack of readers/listeners to silence the blo-hard. No doubt Bourque has room in his cockpit for a fellow travellor...

  6. Could this be an omen for the right wing?

    Hope so.
