Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Small Man" Or "Great Man" Of Confederation?

I guess it depends who you talk too:
Liberal Leader Stephane Dion says there's "something wrong" with federal legislation to redistribute seats in the House of Commons.

He says he agrees with Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, who opposes a Conservative bill that would increase the number of seats for Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta.

Dion says he wants to be a good partner to McGuinty, calling him a "great man" of Confederation.

The right policy, not to mention playing to the Liberals base.


  1. Sweet Sally, are you turning this blog into a comedy hour? McGuinty and "great" are mutually exclusive words.

    Must...resist ... urge... to continue partisan attack.... fighting...

  2. He's taller than Lunn ;) Raphael if you want non-stop laughs, might I recommend?

  3. Yes, Liberal policy is that every province should have its fair share of seats by population. Except for the Atlantic provinces and the territories, which should be overrepresented.

  4. mark

    Silliness. If you are changing the allocation, recognizing population growth, why should you treat one province differently? This is the Tories flawed plan, it would seem the Liberals are just endorsing fair application.

  5. I wouldn't say McGuinty is a great man of confederation any more than any other premier, but he is certainly right in his concerns. I also think Harpers confrontational approach with the premiers has not been good for national unity. I support the seat increases in British Columbia and Alberta, but believe Ontario should get an extra 21, not 10 seats.

  6. People seem to forget that all parties in the Ontario legislature agree with McGuinty - how can this be playing to the Liberal base.

  7. rural

    I'm speaking federally. The fact all provincial parties agree only makes the Con proposal less saleable in the province.
