Saturday, May 03, 2008

The Common Touch

You have to applaud the Prime Minister for showing up in New Brunswick. It's a symbolic gesture, but our national leader's presence sends the message that the rest of Canada understands the gravity, an expression of support.

Okay, now that I have that out of the way, a closer inspection of the actual visit reveals much about our Prime Minister. Rarely, do we see Harper mingle with the masses, his only public appearances are usually partisan filled rooms, structured and scripted. Yesterday, I was able to watch a few minutes of Harper touring the damage, speaking with residents. It only takes a few seconds to see the Harper achilles heel- the man simply lacks the common touch.

Wooden, robotic, a general unease, as Harper greeted residents. A sense that Harper was "trying", a sense that he wasn't really comfortable in that setting. It really is amazing, we have a Prime Minister that lacks the capacity to engage with the population, clearly not a "people" person. Watching those few moments, is it any wonder why Harper hasn't cultivated any affection with the Canadian population? No wonder everything is so carefully orchestrated, when you see the man wade in, you realize there really isn't much to work with.


  1. I think it was a photo-op opportunity - sorry, but he's so cold and nothing is done without a plan and a reason.

    Besides, any PM would go.

    I thought it telling when he talked about the birds and the tar sands issue - he was worried about Canada's "image" - gosh, don't worry about those birds.

  2. Oh, it was a photo-op too, no question. I found the "image" comment telling, it says we need to create something, because the facts aren't attractive.

  3. What is wrong with you peoples? Our PM goes to see the damage for himself,and yet you have to find something to criticize about it.

    If he wouldn't go then you would post he doesn't care. If he doesn't show a tear down his face,then he is criticized for not being a people person.If he would show a tear then you would criticize him for doing it for the cameras. If our PM Mr.Harper would have the RCMP push the cameras away from him you would then post what his he trying to hide from us. What do you want our PM to do have the cameras confiscated? Even
    in this terrible tragedy you can't help yourself and play politics.

  4. as PM, harper had to go. no big props for doing the bare minimum.

  5. Wouldn't it be interesting to have a mandatory televised town hall during an election, in addition to the debates?

    Dion is not a big small talk guy apparently, but compare footage of him in uncontrolled situations with Harper. He approaches people and engages them.

  6. Gee, Right does it feel to have your leader criticized - if you can dish it out, you can take.

    Quit whining.

    After all, Harper made his own bed - he has to make it.

  7. Anon 11:25:

    "Gee, Right does it feel to have your leader criticized - if you can dish it out, you can take.

    Quit whining.

    After all, Harper made his own bed - he has to make it."

    Are you kidding me he has been criticized on the liblogs from day one!

    I don't see the Liberals,Bloc or the NDP criticizing our PM on his so called photo-op,do you?

    There is a time and a place to criticize our PM. Not when he is just doing his job as PM of our country by visiting the devastation in New Brunswick.

  8. Excuse me? As a taxpayer I have every right to criticize Harper.

    ...and I will when I feel he has betrayed me as a Canadian, when I feel his policies aren't good for Canada and when he "uses" photo-op moments.

  9. Meant to add - Harper looks like he's lost weight - looks a little healthier.

    Personality not improved though.

  10. I don't know that
    'get a warm and fuzzy feeling'
    is high up there on the best PM qualities,
    but this is:

    'Can manage the economy effectively-
    PMSH--42%; Dion--14%

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anon 12:10

    "Excuse me? As a taxpayer I have every right to criticize Harper.

    ...and I will when I feel he has betrayed me as a Canadian, when I feel his policies aren't good for Canada and when he "uses" photo-op moments."

    What are you smoking anon? Who said you can't criticize Harper on policies? What I said was you don't criticize our PM for going to New Brunswick to see the damage for himself that is all. Not for his policies. Of course everyone has that right to do so.

    Anon you name me one policy that Mr.Harper has mentioned in New Brunswick that dissevers to be criticized. Can you please do this? My hunch is that you can't find any. So please relax.

  13. wilson

    Oh, selective again. What about the majority opinion that Harper policies aren't good for the economy? Or the majority opinion that Harper doesn't offer any optimism? You guys comfort yourself in comparisons with Dion, which history show are always a challenge for an opposition leader, but you seem to ignore straight up questions on Harper, a far better indicator, given his "known" status.

    I think people miss the point of this post. It isn't about Harper going, it's the way Harper moves. As knb says, it would be nice to see a "town hall" style debate, I bet Dion could outshine the dull bulb everytime. Chances are, there will only be one debate, unless immediately demands more, because Harper won't endorse any vehicle that could expose his tight message control. I don't fear Harper, he's our best chance.

  14. Anon you name me one policy that Mr.Harper has mentioned in New Brunswick that dissevers to be criticized. Can you please do this? My hunch is that you can't find any. So please relax.

    1:49 PM, May 03, 2008

    I think you're the one smoking something - no one said New Brunswick was being or to be criticized - it's about Harper - duh

    Actually, I recall that Harper historically has criticized the eastern provinces.....ah, yes "the culture of defeat" line...

  15. To "right is where it's at"...:

    I think the blog actually says it's good he went, and goes on to talk about his lack of personality (and pulse). Yes, a town hall meeting would be great. Paul Martin had some great ones, but unfortunately the "Mr. Dithers" label stuck once the "conservative media" began to run with it in every major daily...

    I don't think he's lost his "winter fat" yet... he's just found a better tailor. He used to wear suits with the center button so tight across his paunch that you'd think it was going to shoot across the room... I bet his buddy Dubya had something to say about his lack of class or dressing-savvy. Like they say, "the clothes make the man". Judging by Harper's Stampede Breakfast outfits, you'd think he never learned that fact.

  16. Martin would have been there, promising to "get to the bottom of" flooding, I'm sure.

  17. "getting to the bottom of it"... lol... good one!

  18. interesting Steve V. Thanks for describing this rare footage.

    Harper is a sociopath so he can't be spontaneous. Doesn't know what real human interaction feels like and can only imitate it, that's why he says weird things like worrying about image rather than expressing concern for the actual damage and suffering.

    With sociopaths, it's always about image - creating the right one on the surface, regardless of what lies beneath.
