Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Class Act

I suppose some were worried about what he would say, but I wasn't, Bob Rae has been a class act all his public life, why would it suddenly change now. You could see disappointment, clearly a tough day, and why wouldn't it be. Still, Rae was able to be his usual charming self, eloquent and measured.

Rae said all the right things, but it was the conviction with which he said them that impressed me. The best part, when he told reporters that the Liberals would be "boring", stories of internal strife no longer, he was committed to working with Ignatieff unequivocally. Kind words for his old friend, sometime foe, a very generous press conference, given the circumstance. Rae also spoke to the extraordinary times, and rightly acknowledged that it isn't fair to expect a normal process, within these conditions.

I look forward to watching Rae by Ignatieff's side, hopefully, and probably, he will become deputy leader. What a remarkable front bench the Liberals enjoy, today is day one of a new era for the Liberal Party, I feel that in my gut. Stragglers and the immature aside, I see a new found sense of purpose and priority, I see confidence. Bring it on Harpo.


  1. Rae sacrificed his dream for the good of the Party, his supporters would be demeaning his gesture if they keep up the fight just for the sake of fighting. There is an incredibly undeserving small man who needs to be thrown out of 24 Sussex now! That is the person who the grassroots should be fighting against tooth and nail. Typical Liberal dithering and bickering about leadership races would have been far more destructive than Ignatieff becoming leader through common sense and expediency. Time is of the essence, and the Cons are preparing for war, it is time we meet them head on. They almost won for keeps last time, and will try again, but without the 20+ months of slamming Dion as not a leader, the Cons lose their manufactured advantage. Rae took one for the team, now it is time for the team to actually act like a team, and get behind the leadership and the Party.

  2. In all of the chaos of the political news today, in case anyone missed it, the Bank of Canada announced today that we are entering a recession:

    "The outlook for the world economy has deteriorated significantly and the global recession will be broader and deeper than previously anticipated," it said in a statement accompanying the decision. "While Canada's economy evolved largely as expected during the summer and early autumn, it is now entering a recession," it added.

    Are the fundamentals still strong, Steve? Are there still some good buying opportunities out there, Steve?

    So we are now in a recession and Stephen Harper has ensured that Parliament has not been in effective session since June 2008 and won't be working for Canadians until the end of January 2009. Does anyone know the last time any bill was actually presented to the House? It has got to be many months now.

    Harper broke a promise and his own law to call an election in September in order to avoid the effects of a bad economy, then he cancelled an opposition day to avoid a vote on his lack of an economic plan and then he cancelled Parliament to avoid a vote on his lack of an economic plan.

    Can we now borrow a phrase from Bob: Steve, we're ready to roll!

  3. Power at any cost attained through any means possible. Not only has this been proven true as Liberals seek to run Canada, but now with the shunning of their own membership, the same has proven true within the inner LPoC. I guess the leadership of the LPoC is so underdesireable that only one person is seriously interested in running it.


  4. Anonymous:

    At least Liberals want a vote in Parliament. It is not Liberals who haven't passed a new bill since spring 2008, cancelled opposition days and then cancelled Parliament altogether just to avoid a vote.

    The Conservatives have a lot of gall to call anyone else un-democratic.

  5. "Power at any cost attained through any means possible"

    I succinct statement on Harper's actions. Well said!

  6. Considering how Harper and MacKay produced the merger of the Alliance and Pro Cons - it would be rich for them to talk about doing things the right way.

    When Ignatieff lost the leadership race (not by much either) he showed statesmanship and grace, Rae didn't.

    Now, Rae has shown statesmanship - and has redeemed himself in my eyes.

    Now, let's get on with it.

    People seem to forget that when each of the candidates announced they were going to run - each thought at the time that there would be a full leadership race. NONE of them knew what was around the corner.

    A crisis changed things like never before.

  7. Ted

    That is a great reminder. In the face of an economic crisis, Parliament will have done nothing for almost a full year. Now, that's leadership.

  8. First off, the Liberal Party has NO power, it only has a new leader.
    The way the "membership" has been convulsing and whining, maybe it was best to bypass them this time (stakes are too high for self-righteous tantrums and time- and credibility-consuming leadership races), but it would be wise if the convention in May addresses this type of situation for future purposes. Whiners can go do a Harper and take their balls and go home, so long as they are not in the way when the real fight begins. Rae was wise to avoid becoming a Hilary/McCain hybrid, he will be a formidable asset indeed.

  9. Radwanski had a good column on Rae as asset.

  10. Now's the time to change the public focus back to Harper's agenda, tactics and personality. And his competence, too; for starters, compare these quotes:

    Harper, October 2008:
    “My own belief is that if we were going to have some sort of big crash or recession, we probably would have had it by now.”

    Bank of Canada, December 2008:
    "The outlook for the world economy has deteriorated significantly and the global recession will be broader and deeper than previously anticipated," it said in a statement accompanying the decision. "While Canada's economy evolved largely as expected during the summer and early autumn, it is now entering a recession,"

  11. Harper is unglued with Mansbridge, very combative and uneven :)

    Good days ahead.

  12. Absolutely! Looking forward to January...

    Your picture shows it all Dryden, McCallum, Rae, Findlay. Contrast that to the other side of the aisle. I look forward to question period with Michael and Bob sitting side by side taking on the Harpercrites.

    A united party, with a strong leader and a superb front bench. The bad memories of sitting on our hands are quickly fading away.

  13. Exactly Jeff! For too long, we have had both barrels locked and loaded but pointed squarely at our faces or our feet. Harper has so much baggage that, with a bit of momentum, competent A/V squad and some actual team spirit, he will be toast and gone before the end of the year. History will not be kind to his brand of politics, and I can't wait to say good riddance to the era of the politics of hate and anger, the two fallback positions of the Con party.

  14. I invite all Liberals who supported the coalition, supported Bob Rae and who are disgusted by this backroom coronation of Ignatieff to join the NDP. We will welcome you all with open arms.

    Come on over the the SUNNY side of the street!

  15. Yeah right. Dump the little mustashioed wanker and maybe we'll talk..

  16. SJW makes a good point.

  17. Watching the Harper interview. Harper looks quite uncomfortable and Mansbridge is doing a good job of holding him to account. Not a lot of depth to Harper's answers, except his usual lies.

  18. Anon - so, the other parties don't want power - is that what you are saying?

    The one that wants power the most is Harper and he'll do anything to get it and keep it.

    All three candidates thought they were in for a full race when their candidacies were announced - it was circumstances created by Harper that forced a rush decision by the Liberals.

  19. Memo to Ignatieff:

    You do not need to support Harper's budget until he provides Kevin Page, Parliamentary Budget Officer, with the information he is requesting in his investigation.

    "Budget officer questions projected federal surplus"
    (Kathryn May, Canwest News Service
    December 09, 2008)

  20. A class act,so what he did after taking over the Ontario government was what,indicative of as you say
    ..."Bob Rae has been a class act all his public life"...
    The people of Ontario must have missed that "class act" part...lol
