Monday, December 08, 2008

Speaking Of Democracy

Lots of howls from the right recently, about just concluded elections, respecting the will of voters, any attempt to "overturn" results amounting to coups and other silly language. Won't it be interesting then, to see if Conservatives show some consistency and respect the will of voters, when it goes against their ideology:
Farmers who support the Canadian Wheat Board’s sales monopoly won four of the five seats up for grabs in district election results announced Sunday, maintaining the status quo.

That means directors who favour the retention of the wheat board’s single desk will continue to control the agency’s 15-member board of directors.

‘‘This is a huge victory for farmers. Farmers have stood up to (Prime Minister Stephen) Harper’s vow to ‘walk over’ any opposition to his plan to demolish the CWB,’’ said Stewart Wells, National Farmers Union president. ‘‘With 80 per cent of the farmer-elected Board members supporting the single-desk marketing advantages and a strong role for the CWB, it is time for the Conservative Party to back away from its attacks on the CWB.’’

An even more impressive validation of the single desk, when you see the joint efforts of the dual market crowd, outlined in the link.

The CWB has always had a democratic component, that respects the wishes of farmers. The Conservative assault on the CWB has always been an attack on a basic tenet of democracy, because if farmers really supported their view, they can simply VOTE for it. The fact western farmers have overwhelmingly endorsed the single desk option should tell the Conservatives to back off, but somehow I doubt it.


  1. But but but, they're getting in the way of the glorious free market. We can't have that or those Commies [NDP from Vancouver and liberals from Toronto] will win!

  2. It always makes me smile when an eastern commentator talks of the wheat board. No matter where you stand on the wheat board shouldn't it be about choice? As a western farmer I have no choice on how I market board grains. Farmers in eastern canada have no such problems. They have the choice to sell through a board or individually. Why can't I have the same freedom?

    I wonder how it would play in the east if the CWB was expanded to all provinces and the same restrictions/benefits (depending on your view) were applied.

  3. Anonymous, sorry, but every time I come across you, all I can think of is here is yet another morass of gutlessness whose lack of identity never seems to stop you from Harpering on about one thing or another, which doesn't really address your question Steve V., or does it ?

  4. "It always makes me smile when an eastern commentator talks of the wheat board."

    It's not as big as my smile, who waits for this comment everytime we see a CWB post. At least you are predictable :)

    You have a choice dimwit, you vote. Can't you understand that? It has nothing to do with east vs west, blah, blah de blah blah. Vote in the free market, if you can't, then seems to me FARMERS don't want it.

    I would add, in the run up to this election the Cons used my taxpayer money (from Ontario), to influence farmers. The fact the single desk still won convincingly is even more striking, given the dishonest campaign by political hacks.


    They can't handle the question, it's always dodge and weave.

  5. anon

    Oh, and just for clarification, eastern farmers have no say in anything you do, it's a vote of WESTERN farmers. You don't even have to mention the east, you guys are deciding.

  6. Steve,

    Not to wreck the party here, but I think the Prime Minister would suggest that voting to prevent people from disposing of their personal property (wheat, in this case) as they see fit is beyond the democratic license of citizens. Sort of like how even a majority vote cannot justify the abrogation of minority rights.

    For example: if a majority of Canadians voted to deprive women of the right to vote, would you support that decision on the basis of adherence to "democracy", or would you ignore democracy because it goes against your ideology?

    But I admit, it's easier to talk of democracy as if it were a simple majoritarian concept when attempting to paint others as hypocrites. Easier, and more fun!

  7. "I would add, in the run up to this election the Cons used my taxpayer money (from Ontario), to influence farmers. The fact the single desk still won convincingly is even more striking, given the dishonest campaign by political hacks."

    Steve, you're full of it here. I live in one of the districts. There was _no_ advertising by anyone outside of the candidates themselves.

    The most was small, 1x1 signs, one every small town or so. There were signs from all the candidates in the district at all the terminals though.

    You can claim your credit as you've always been in favour of the CWB. I'll claim my crow as I'm always against it.

    I think my reasons are valid, but what is the basis for yours? I asked this at Curran's place the other day.

    I can't for the life of me understand why Liberals are in favour of the CWB.
    Your 'side' won in an election that offers the Liberals no seats. The _entire_ CWB grain belt voted against your party at the polls. Honestly, to me, the only reason I can see is that you and yours are for it because me and mine are against it.

    Opposition doesn't a policy make, Steve.


  8. Lance

    You're full of it.

    Cheers, Steve

  9. Mea Culpa...One Conservative in Cypress Hills got called on it by an MP from Manitoba. Hardly proof of a gov't conspiracy.

    Now then, the rest of my questions....
