Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Stephen Harper, just made a wild accusation in QP, that yesterday's press conference came without a Canadian flag, used as proof that the Liberals have sold out the country.

Shove it straight up your sorry ass:


  1. The desparation is really begining to make them twitch.

    Oh man, this is going to be fun.

  2. I've been watching QP & feel sick to my stomach with all the garbage, rascism, "separatism", lies, etc. coming out of Harper's, & others mouths. THEY are the ones who are trying to "separate" this country - not the other way around.

    Oh man this is, & will continue to be, absolutely brutal! Harper is not going to budge one iota. Sick, sick man.

  3. Yes, it is always enlightening to watch the true believers spout off about their love of Canada even as they threaten to form Albertistan (my new favorite work) if everyone doesn't kiss their ass.

    I fully expect Alberta to secede long before Quebec would ever again broach the subject. (And I refuse to put BC in that category, though they are always quick to try to make it a "Western Canada" appeal).

    Thanks, but no thanks. BC won't be following Alberta down any rabbit holes in the foreseeable future.

  4. Witness the multiple anti-decorum-seizures.

  5. "I fully expect Alberta to secede long before Quebec would ever again broach the subject."

    I know the CPC's base is Alberta, and Albertans are generally whiny about "wanting in", but as an Albertan I start to get tired of these kinds of remarks.

    The majority of Albertans may want Harper to govern, but they do not want to leave Canada. We are a complacent bunch - which probably explains why the conservatives win all the elections here.

    This whole "anti-western" hysteria really annoys me - from both sides of the fence.

  6. I owe you an apology then, Gayle - sincerely.

    But it sure would be nice to hear that sentiment more often. My reaction comes from living in BC and reading, not just on blogs - and even hearing from Alberta visitors on more than one occasion - the oft-repeated refrain about "Western Canada needs to break away from Canada."

    The cries always seem to crescendo during moments like these - elections, debates, key votes, etc. I just grown weary of it, especially when the gripes are issued in the same context of lambasting Quebec. It is most unseemly to me that people so quickly open up with that. So it ought to be acceptable to deride the sentiment as well.

    So, I do apologize. But please ask some of your complacent neighbors to shush their neighbors and show some manners, eh? ; )

  7. Joseph - I understand and apology accepted.

    I hear the wingnuts saying that too. What I do not hear is anything that even remotely suggests any organization on this point.

    The only time they came close to organizing is when that guy from the Western Canada Concept was elected in the 80's as an MLA. If I recall he did not get reelected.

  8. Gayle: Thanks for your defence of Albertans. We aren't all bad.

    Joseph: Thanks for your apology.

  9. Thanks for your pointing out my own insensitivity, Gayle (and Constant Vigilance). It is heart-warming to hear that from you about Albertans. I've only been there once and found the scenery lovely and the people very friendly, and I want to visit again.

    I have always been quick to point out that many Quebecers probably feel the same way. I will make sure to acknowledge the same sentiments exist in Albertan as well (and put away my pet word).

    On the topic of saying and doing anything, does anyone else find it interesting the phrasing of Harper's big talking point yesterday . . . that Dion was part of "the biggest political game in Canadian history" was oddly reminiscent of his taunt that the Cadman tape would prove to be "the biggest mistake of the Liberal party" (or something along those lines)?

    I just found it sort of strange because it was a weird echo of a topic conservatives seem pretty eager to just let slide off the table at this point. To me it just sounded more like another grand over-statement on Harper's part than a particularly persuasive argument (especially hearing Harper cry about the existence of politics . . . almost surreal).

    Harper is just pure poison, at this point. I still find myself hoping someone in the conservative caucus has the guts to say it out loud.

    Too bad Jane Taber isn't bosom buddies with some conservative insider about now. As it is, I expect to read all about hidden misgivings in the coalition in tonight's episode (I mean "late edition") of the G&M. I'm sure Harper and company are counting on it or making the calls themselves.

  10. Yup - they had the flags AND they were wearing the red ribbons for International AIDS day - Harper was not wearing a red ribbon.

  11. I was on the fence, but no more after today's performance. Harper just doesnt get it! Now is the time to act like a PM, instead he wants to act like a spoiled child. Harper can go f@$k himself and good riddance at that. Moreover, if he suspends parliament then he is a chicken shit prick! If he cannot act like a PM, at least he can act like a man! Even Deborah Grey is saying the same thing. Harper is an absolute disgrace to this country! At on top of that he is a bald face lier. Good lord!

  12. Write to Her Excellency here:


    & tell her how you feel.

  13. I have no idea what it means, but GAWD it looks funny:


  14. Manley denies economic advisor agreement with coalition


    This certainly doesn't bode well. This coalition is going to have to start fighting back NOW before this starts to unravel. I can feel the Conservative PR machine already. We've learned from Dion's experience that people WILL believe them if there's no rebuttal.

  15. Kris

    Doesn't sound like Manley has even been contacted, sounded completely oblivious. Wow.

  16. http://www.62percentmajority.ca/home

    New website -- 62% majority -- pass this around the Liblogs please.

  17. Rally for democracy. Go to your local coalition rallies on Dec. 4.

  18. Thanks Steve. WOW, desperation is increasing so quickly that it's hard to keep track.

  19. Yes, that's terrible.
    But keep your eye on the effin' ball.

    Ie. the wrecking ball swinging towards the Liberal Party.

  20. A regular horror show over at Bourque. McKenna's not in and Dryden among others are ready to resign from caucus.

  21. I wish Bourque would just go on the Blogging Torries roll and stop pretending.
