Monday, April 27, 2009

From The "What Were They Thinking" Department

When somebody has an idea like the following below, particularly the US military, you have to wonder why nobody would connect the OBVIOUS DOTS and maybe NIX the concept. It's actually mind blowing that this plan got off the runaway. A large jet, accompanied by fighter aircraft, within eyeshot of the former WTC:

One of President Barack Obama's official planes flanked by an Air Force fighter jet flew low over the Statue of Liberty Monday for a photo opportunity that reminded startled New Yorkers of the Sept. 11 attacks.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg criticized the federal government and his own administration for failing to warn the public, which was shocked by the image of a jumbo jet flanked by an F-16 flying near the World Trade Center site.

"The good news is it was nothing more than an inconsiderate, badly conceived and insensitive photo op with the taxpayers' money," Mr. Bloomberg told reporters.

"They should know how sensitive people would be if they had low-flying planes down around the World Trade Center site," said Mr. Bloomberg, adding that he was "furious."

Employees at the New York Mercantile Exchange, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch and other institutions evacuated their buildings, and hundreds of others called the 911 emergency response line, City Councilman Daniel Garodnick wrote in a letter of complaint to the FAA.


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