Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Harris Decima Poll

A new release from Harris Decima, which provides a very positive trend in Ontario's 905 region for the Liberals. Apart from that confirmation, which was sort of self-evident given recent polling for Ontario, this poll is more of the same:
On a national basis, voter intentions give the Liberals 35 per cent, the Conservatives 31, the NDP 15, the Bloc nine and the Greens eight.

No regionals yet, although HD gives the Liberals a "double digit" lead in Ontario.

This poll from HD is similar to their last offering, and it's similar to other pollster findings. It appears we are settling in here at the moment, a slight Liberal lead nationally, barely outside of margin of error. A more noteworthy advantage when you factor in the regionals, Quebec looks to be firming up as a true dynamic, as does Ontario.

I'll post the regionals when they come out...


  1. I suspected at my blogpost today this poll and others similar to this are the reasons we have a tearful contrite apology today from Lisa Raitt.. I think they're getting hammered on that issue (and this poll was finished before the tape brouhaha blew up)

  2. I don't know if the government polled or not, but there's NO question this late in the day apology is a calculated response to negative reaction.

  3. It will be interesting to see the polls after the "fallout" from Raitt's (in)actions.

    Showing contrition a day and a half after the fact is meaningless.

    I hope Canadians wake up and see the government for what it is..Self serving!

  4. All she apologized for was for "people misunderstanding". It was our fault, not hers.

  5. There's allegedly 5 and a half hours of this stuff on that tape. The Chronicle Herald will be publishing its' revelations for weeks if not months, given the Jim Prentice stuff already, she could deconstruct Harperism down to the ghost of its bones before we're done here.

  6. Somebody in the PMO said this tape will be "the gift that keeps on giving".
