Thursday, July 16, 2009

Whatever Dumb Dumb

Get a load of this dummy.

Tsk, tsk.


  1. "The article requested is not available."

    That is pretty dumb, if they wont even let me read the article ;)

  2. Doesn't work for me from Liblogs, if that's what you tried Scott.

  3. As markets rally and positive second quarter earnings continue to roll in, North America’s best known bears are starting to show signs of cracking.

    Nouriel Roubini, the New York University economics professor best known for predicting the global financial crisis back in 2006, said Thursday the U.S. recession will end later this year.

  4. What does that have to do with anything? None of Page or Orr's analysis is predicated on the recession lasting after this year, so that's pretty weak tea your presenting as a counter. Then again, when you have nothing of substance, I suppose a unrelated link is the best one can hope for.

    Expect to see MORE and MORE respected economists coming forward to challenge Flaherty's future numbers.

  5. Oh, and btw Orr also has said the recession ends third quarter, growth after that, so the "bear" crap is SCAT.

  6. Orr's defending Page is not at all surprising when you look at his history and affiliations.

    Left leaning bloviating blowhard that he is.

  7. Dale Orr, an independent economist and formerly one of Canada's leading forecasters at Global Insight.

    Formerly, now independent, for hire.

    Don Drummond defends Page too, just another Liberal shill.

  8. "Don Drummond defends Page too, just another Liberal shill."

    Yes, another guy that's six months ahead of Harper and Flaherty consistently. It's so lame that you guys have so little, you're reduced to slagging the guy Harper HIRED, and an economist the government has HIRED on several occasions to do analysis. It's just so pathetically beautiful, please keep talking.

  9. Real brave of you to be slagging economists when you're hiding behind anonymity there. What's the matter, don't want to have a name put to you slagging every economist (which is almost every economist out there) who disagrees with the Harper government?

  10. Dale Orr has been making a living off of the taxpayer as a "consultant" since 1982, before that he was working for the Trudeau Liberals in various government positions.

    The guy is a professional windbag.

  11. every economist (which is almost every economist out there) who disagrees with the Harper government?

    You have two so far, that's a long way from almost every.

    By the way, why is Iggy hiding in France instead of fund raising?

    Selling more of his books?

  12. Anon - why you so concerned about Iggy - you miss him? You've been all over the blogosphere with this crap. You say a lot of nonsense but are "too chicken" to put a name behind you silly accusations. Therefore, because you are hiding in some PM approved talking points basement - your comments mean absolutely nothing.

    By the way, Drummond - Sr. Analysis at TD - that bank is doing way better than the other banks - way better. Drummond also did some work for Harper.

  13. Drummond is a Liberal, economists from the major banks are consulted on finance matters as is custom, this is the way things are done.

    Try googling Don Drummond and check some of his previous predictions and you will find he has been wrong a number of times owing to his blatant Liberal bias.

    As for basements, you should get out into the sunshine and stop deluding yourself.

    Iggy, miss him? Yes I do, I miss the comedic relief. Puffin poop anyone?

  14. Yep, Drummond certainly sounds like a liberal. But you guys have mr. walkerton Flaherty, evolutionary shoes Goodyear, dino the dinosaur Day, and let-them-eat-cake Baird.
    Sounds to me like guys who know what they are talking about just don't want to be part of your shortsighted team. But i know it hurts to see the truth, anonnys.

  15. "What's the matter, don't want to have a name put to you slagging every economist (which is almost every economist out there) who disagrees with the Harper government?"

    Would you want to have a name attached to this stupidity?

    Drummond was hired by the Conservatives. Baird called him one of Canada's leading and most well respected economists. That these guys have to resort to trying to turn into partisanship is laughable.

  16. "economists from the major banks are consulted on finance matters as is custom, this is the way things are done."

    Do your homework dimbulb, Drummond was hired to by Environment Canada to help Baird justify his climate change cost report.

  17. As for basements, you should get out into the sunshine and stop deluding yourself.

    LOL - my computer is in a beautiful sun room just off the kitchen - where I can walk a few steps onto our deck and beautiful garden. Lotsa sunshine and nature. I just love it.

    Well, typical of con supporters - lots of partisan BS but are "cowards". All talk - talk is cheap when you hide like a coward.

  18. Sandi

    And, you'll notice they can never argue on substance, but try to attack the messenger. It's really an omission of weakness. But, then again, when you have intellectual backing, you do what you can...
