Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Coderre On Election: "We are ready and we want one.”

I guess we can safely put Coderre in the Liberal "hawk" camp:
“It is up to our leader Michael Ignatieff if an election is called this fall,” Coderre told the Record.

“But I will not be the reason why we do not go for one. We are ready and we want one.”

...“They have mismanaged spending and have no explanation for it. They may claim they don’t want a fall electon, but I hope they do.”

“We are ready to take over and put an end to this deficit spending,” he said.

A fairly relevant view, given that Coderre is largely responsible for getting Quebec Liberals ready for an election.

One thing is becoming increasingly obvious with the recent rash of candidate announcements, much progress on the platform, "readiness" won't be a factor if there is another show down in the fall. People might remember that during the past few years, the disarray within the Quebec wing of the party was often cited as one reason why we continually shied away from pushing an election.


  1. Also - Duceppe denies he's going to retire.....getting interesting.

  2. G&M spewing nonsense from secret sources saying Dion and Ignatieff are in the same position as Dion was in Aug 2008....hmmm....they ignored the leadership numbers from the Nanos poll in Aug 2008:

    The numbers in parenthesis denote the change from the previous Nanos Research Survey completed on August 27, 2008.

    Question: Of the following individuals, who do you think would make the best Prime Minister? [Rotate] (N=1,200,MoE ± 2.8%, 19 times out of 20)

    Conservative leader Stephen Harper 38% (+2)
    NDP leader Jack Layton 15% (-2)
    Liberal leader Stephane Dion 14% (-1)
    Green Party leader Elizabeth May 5% (+1)
    Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe 3% (-2)
    None of them 8% (-2)
    Unsure 19% (+7)

    NOW - Nanos AUG 10, 2009 (leadership numbers)

    Best PM Question: Of the following individuals, who do you think would make the best Prime Minister? [Rotate] The numbers in parenthesis denote the change from the Nanos Omnibus Survey conducted in April 2009.

    Stephen Harper 29.5% (-2.7)
    Michael Ignatieff 26.2% (-1.2)
    Jack Layton 15.2% (+2.3)
    Gilles Duceppe 5.8% (-0.2)
    Elizabeth May 4.0% (-2.0)
    None of them 7.4% (+0.6)
    Unsure 11.9% (+3.2)

  3. Sandi

    I thought of that exact same dynamic when I read the "piece". Once again, don't go beyond the surface, that would entail EFFORT.

  4. "we want to put an end to this deficit spending"

    Coderre has no credibility, none. The Liberals want to get re-elected on gimmicks, they'd be smarter to have an actual plan and policy alternatives to the Conservatives.
