Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Love Me, I Love Me Not

This is pretty amusing. Jack Layton is so enamored with his favorite person, HIMSELF:

Jack's fascination with himself has precedent. Lookin good:


  1. Is this your idea of "tit-for-tat" after the NDP keeps pointing out how Ignatieff's books seem to have the pronoun "I" in them about a thousand times?

  2. No, if I wanted to do that I'd just reference you to Layton's book.

  3. LOL Anon - try Layton's books - I, I, I, I, I,.....many, many more times.

    Layton looks like the Video professor.

  4. Steve... Are you telling me that if someone painted a great painting like that of you, and it wasn't for you to keep, that you wouldn't take a picture of it??? Come on now.

  5. Jon... I saw it in person... It was quite the impressive piece of art.

  6. Cam

    It's just good fun, nothing more. If the roles were reversed and "I" did the same, I'm sure you'd see it differently.

  7. Please, no encouraging giant paintings of more politicians. Think of the children.

  8. Steve... maybe, maybe not, but I probably wouldn't have taken the time to write about it... jk ;)

  9. 13 seconds I'll never get back ;)

  10. Strong leaders don't have time to waste with silly paintings done by their admirers. Instead of giving the painting attention, which I'm sure the painter appreciated immensely, he should've just waved it aside, maybe even kicked it over.

  11. Eric

    In fairness, Jack was probably just killing time until his speech. Not much going on from all accounts.

  12. You couldn't pay me to spend an entire weekend at a political convention.

    Okay, you could pay me and I'd go.

    Please pay me.

  13. Good grief - it's no secret that Jack has a very big ego and hasn't met a camera he doesn't like.

    Don't be so sensitive - he is who he is.

    Now, about that ugly moustache - when's it coming off?

  14. Has anyone ever heard of ANY politicians that doesn't have a big ego. You would need to have one to be a politician in the first place. By all accounts Michael "Count Chocula" Ignatieff practically wrote the book on egotism!
