Thursday, March 25, 2010

Off To Montreal

Heading out to Montreal, to attend the Can150 "Thinkers Conference". Given recent events, this gathering couldn't come at a better time, and I'm excited about the possibilities. I'll blog from the venue about the happenings and whatnot.



  1. I know you likely don't believe it, but I really am rooting for you all. :)

  2. This can't be a bad exercise.

  3. I have called this navel gazing, but I am interested on hearing what will come out of this weekend.

    BTW, you will tell us who has an INNEY & who has an OUTTIE won't you?


  4. Other than the abortion that was Monday, the five Tory reversals in a row was a trend, reclaim the trend

  5. Have fun. Learn stuff, and bring it back to us.

    Should we become more international or more nationalistic? sign free trade deals? don't sign free trade deals? start using Chinese currency? create more Crown's? sell off assets? strengthen the Senate? set national standards? national stock market? national day care? EI Reform? pension reform? become a Republic? ban guns? collective aboriginal rights? equality for all?

    I'll be waiting.

  6. Tomm,

    Harper is the PM, not Ignatieff.

    What pray tell are our glorious leader's position on all those issues.

    I don't know, the CPC seems to be doing it's fair share of reversals lately.

    Maybe the CPC needs to have a thinkers conference.

    All they are doing is espousing regurgitated bullshit, that we have all heard before.

  7. What pray tell are our glorious leader's position on all those issues.

    Some of those proposals are ludicrous, some are irrelevant and some are already proposed. The point of his post was, what are YOU people going to propose? What are YOU going to come up with, that sets you apart from our current government? Do you have any unique, fresh new ideas that you can call your own?

    Prime Minister Harper may or may not have positions on any or all of those specific issues. Why bother asking Tomm, when you can just go online and find out yourself?

    I don't know, the CPC seems to be doing it's fair share of reversals lately.

    What you call "reversals," others call "trial balloons"...and they indicate that the Conservative Party is listening to people. Jean Chretien did this all the time...he just used polling firms...

    Maybe the CPC needs to have a thinkers conference.

    All they are doing is espousing regurgitated bullshit, that we have all heard before.

    Then I urge you to push for an election as soon as possible. ;)

  8. No, I don't think we want one of those anytime soon, thank you very much. ;)

  9. Fred, takes a pause from his drinking to inform us that its not the government's responsibility to come up with policy but everyone else.

    Conservative responsibility - now there's a paradox.

    Fred from BC - asking the opposition for ideas because their toolbox is empty.

    Criticizing people for trying to come up with ideas Fred, that's just being ideologically barren.

  10. Fred from BC

    What an asshole you are.

    "Harper may or may not have positions on any or all ot thes specific issues etc etc, why ask Tomm etc"

    But I thought Ignatieff was supposed to have a stand on all these issues.

    You guys are interested in his ideas, are you admitting he stands head and shoulders above fat Steve?

    The rest of your post was your usual incoherent bullshit.

    Did your mommy never tell you that booze and drugs don't mix?

  11. somewhere, from behind a pile of Kokanee cans... Fred rages!

  12. Maybe fred is friends with Jaffer?

  13. I'll be in Shanghai for three weeks and likely won't be able to catch up on all you'll accomplish, but best of luck. The whole Canadian political scene really needs some fresh air and ideas to deal with the public's growing disdain -- and the media's complete lack of ethical significance.

  14. Hah Fred from BC, you must be from Yahk, right? No one's has used polling, to a greater expense and as a total personal tool, than your favourite tool, the so-called leader. It really must hurt when you pull your head out of it and find that the tinfoil is stuck, eh?

  15. Fred,

    Thanks. I thought my comments were self explanatory but I guess Nero was stumped by the b_i_g w_o_r_d_s.


    You said:

    "...You guys are interested in his ideas, are you admitting he stands head and shoulders above fat Steve?..."

    ah...No actually. We know where the Prime Minister stands on the issues of importance and so does the rest of Canada.

    It is the LPC that seems to wait for the CPC to take a position before they start reacting like a kid having a tantrum. I was kind of hoping they would put some policy alternatives out there so we could begin a policy dialogue that has, you know, ahhh ...substance.

  16. Tomm said...


    Thanks. I thought my comments were self explanatory but I guess Nero was stumped by the b_i_g w_o_r_d_s.

    I thought they were too...but I loved the response. Liberals are just soooo defensive these days...;)
