Saturday, April 10, 2010


If you read the Taber piece, you might assume the Liberals are gunning for a fall election. I don't read the "securing a plane" revelation as anything indicative, other than simple prudence. As noted:
The Conservatives and NDP, meanwhile, have on-going arrangements with Air Canada.

Last election, the rusty tin can Dion was forced to roam around in, parachute in tow, became symbolic of a "not ready for prime time" presentation. If the Liberals are getting their house in order, I say good, because we don't want a repeat of the summer of 2008, wherein Harper caught everyone off guard.

The Liberals should spend this summer as though an election is imminent. That doesn't mean the party is necessarily angling for an election, but more a recognition of our opponent. If I were a betting man, I'd put even odds on Harper preferring to go this fall. Once you reach the 2 year window, potential public backlash will wane, the risk less pronounced. Couple that assumed fact with the heavy lifting on the balance sheet yet to come, and one can see an attractive scenario for the Conservatives.

It is imperative that the Liberals are ready to go aggressively, the minute an election is called. We can't have the Conservatives dominating the airwaves in the pre-writ, our war room needs to be on a hair trigger. In the last election, the slumbering start, allowed the Conservatives to open up a sizeable lead before the campaign even started.

Come August, I would expect to see a red book fully written, even some ideas floated. Ads in the can, a NEW slick plane (just because EVERYBODY will notice), ridings organized, etc. Assume we are having a fall election, no long gaps of nothingness using the "nobody is paying attention" summer assumptions.

I won't be surprised if Harper calls a fall election, and I'd be surprised if anyone in the Liberal ranks is surprised by that very real possibility.


  1. As you prepare for this election you say the Libs should get their house in order, might I suggest repaying the monies owed I.E. Leadership debts, $40mil. stolen through Ad-scam etc.

    this would tell the populous you guys are ready for PRIME-TIME

  2. Did a troll just burp?

    Considering the mounting troubles for Harper, you never know if he'll try to get an election to run away again from his problems.

  3. Gawd, you clowns really do need some new material.

  4. Why do the Liberals not have an on-going arrangement with Air Canada like the Cons and the NDP? AC is the national airline and it would seem to make the most sense. Is it a cost issue?

    ~Oh fuck off BcB. That $40 million is chump change compared to the almost $100 million spent by the Conservatives on their Economic Propaganda Plan. Do us all a favour and crawl back under the rock you slimed your way out from under.

  5. Here Here Omar!!!
    The Cons are eating right out of the Reformatoreis blue book probably sitting at their desks being told what to say and I am quite sure they do not do it for free.

    They can't be that gullible or dense to believe all that stupidity unless they are receiiving money tokens of some sort making them all look like zoombies and brain washed as well. But what do I know, surley they can't think of the Cons politics will not effect them also.

    Happy weekend all.

  6. If the Liberals are getting ready, and prepared that is good.

    I love the conservative apologists, rationalizing the behaviour of their party.

    The new excuse is "yeah but the Liberals were worse"

    Maybe with Harper and company's current problems, the opposition might want to go this spring?

  7. "Why do the Liberals not have an on-going arrangement with Air Canada like the Cons and the NDP? AC is the national airline and it would seem to make the most sense. Is it a cost issue?"


  8. I disagree, Steve. I think Harper will try to govern as long as possible.

    So long as he can get his legislation passed in a reasonable length of time, and without a lot of changes in Committee, then he will just keep chugging along.

    He's got a lot of stuff on his to-do list (eg G8, G20, Senate reform, crime bills, trade deals, exiting Afghanistan), and so will be reluctuant to switch gears, and roll the dice on an election. Especially while we're in the low to mid 30's in the polls--too much to lose, too little to gain.

    You guys are right to be prepared, with a plane, red book, etc.
    If I'm wrong, and Harper plays some hardball (say in the fall economic update), then Iggy has got to be ready to fight. Right now, Iggy's lack of election preparedness means he is too compromised in what actions he can take.

  9. "I disagree, Steve. I think Harper will try to govern as long as possible."

    I hear what you're saying, but I said 50/50, so I appreciate the other side of any speculation. Whatever, the Libs should prepare as though imminent.

  10. We have been in a minority governing situation for four years. The Liberals should be prepared, period.

  11. I believe there will be a Fall election.

    It's also why Iggy needs to back off a bit from the whole happy couple scandal. Keep an eye on developments but don't pounce on every little detail neither.

    He needs to spend much more time on election preparedness. I realize Donolo closed the war room a few months ago, but now, I think he will have to open it.

    Also, let's hope they're smart enough to realize that the Happy Couple's troubles are a very welcome distraction for Brother Steve; no one is paying attention to torturegate anymore, nor are they paying attention to our soiled reputation on the world stage, or the fact that many Canadians are still without work or even those inspidid crime bills.

    The other thing that is coming back to life it would seem is Adscam. resurrected and it won't be able to be ignored anymore. Iggy is going to have to find a way to put this back in the history archives without taking ownership of it and without throwing Jean Chretien or Paul Martin under the bus.

    comments like BCB's are now common place (a little too coincidental that this would come back to life at the same time as scandals from the happy couple; ain't it?). Not only with the Harpercons will milk it for their captive audiences that have all but forgotten, but Gilles Duceppe as well in Quebec. Remember, he is reviving the separatist movement and many separatists believe that Quebec would have been separate if not for Adscam.

  12. "It's also why Iggy needs to back off a bit from the whole happy couple scandal. Keep an eye on developments but don't pounce on every little detail neither."

    You read my mind ;)
