Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On Optics And Body Language II

It's all pretty superficial of course, but since politics seems the antithesis of deep these days, Ignatieff's "digs" were quite striking. Great shirt, nice tones, relaxed jeans, Tim Horton's in the background, just some ordinary looking fellow grabbing donuts. Perfect. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Out of touch and elitist, the two narratives that Ignatieff must address to turn his fortunes around. These clothes aren't an accident, nor are they trivial. Ignatieff looks downright comfortable, doesn't appear to be trying, and that is the subtlety that might put a dent in the negative perceptions. Two months of those kind of images, and you might garner a second look.

Zsuzsanna, if you packed a tie, sports jacket, burn it now, because everyday, everywhere, this is exactly the image we want to convey. Thumbs up on the digs.


  1. Gotta work on hiding those fangs.

  2. Ahh, that explains the herb and garlic bagel.

  3. Great post Steve. THESE are the types of things we need to see more of from Liberal bloggers. Let's rally behind Iggy 100%!

  4. If Liberal bloggers are given reasons to exude positivity, they will, Liberal Justice.

  5. Ready to board the bus.
    We all know what happens next.
    Ignatieff trying to find a mechanic that votes liberal.
    Meanwhile Paul Martin's ship is leaking tons of fuel in the St. Laurence.
    I am beginning to believe Ignatieff was really recruited by Harper to lead the Liberal Party.

    He may just book a one way flight back to Boston while his numbers are still in Dion territory.

  6. Ignatieff trying to find a mechanic that votes liberal.
    Meanwhile Paul Martin's ship is leaking tons of fuel in the St. Laurence.
    I am beginning to believe Ignatieff was really recruited by Harper to lead the Liberal Party.

    Whoops! Conservabot 1000 got its wires crossed there, mixed up talking points. Love when that happens.

  7. God I hate Tim Horton's: bad coffee, national icon of a drunk who killed himself drinking and driving.

  8. It's a good thing he cheaped out and bought Timbits instead of doughnuts. He may not have had enough money to pay the mechanic otherwise.

  9. Further proof that there's an inverse relationship between comedic timing and conservatism.

    What's sad, you probably thought that clever.

  10. Nothing but gaffs, missteps, chronic 23-25% in the polls, and a leader that everyone in the media had written off as incapable of unseating the governing party ...regardless of the scandals swirling around its head due to its time in power.


    Nah, I'm speaking about Stephen Harper circa 2004-05. How did that work out again?

  11. Jerry,

    You know to this very day they are selling Tim Bits

  12. Reid - cheaped out or smart. Think of those reporters with their blackberries, computers, tweeting trying to hold a big gooey donut while working.

    Please, think of the media

  13. Forget the media, look what the donuts did to Dean Del Mastro!

  14. It's all pretty superficial of course, but since politics seems the antithesis of deep these days, Ignatieff's "digs" were quite striking. Great shirt, nice tones, relaxed jeans, Tim Horton's in the background, just some ordinary looking fellow grabbing donuts. Perfect. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    I'm thinking you meant to say "duds" in reference to his clothing, not "digs" (meaning where he lives)...
