Thursday, October 14, 2010

"I'm Not A Career Politician"

Bravo to the OLO on this one:


  1. Very well done. The message is quick, to the point - a humanist, a caring Canadian. Other than the sudden change in timbre of his voice -- which was jarring at first but seemed more comfortable by the end -- i can't see anything but good. Of course, i'm biased, but i like that the shots were selective (career politicians; the current PM divides Canadians) and the overall theme was 'we can do better' without saying it...
    Is there going to be a tv buy on this?

  2. I think this is for attracting new Liberals to the party, more of a grassroots use. That said, it should be used widely, best thing we've done in a while.

  3. I'm a pretty harsh critic of Ignatieff but I will admit that this is the best effort from the LPC in a long time. Ignatieff should handcuff himself to whoever produced that spot.

  4. I can confirm that MOS is no fan, so his opinion is interesting :)

  5. I want to see This everywhere and more of the same more and more .. I like it a lot...It speaks to real people effectively.

  6. As I said at my place, play this sort of thing during an election and the contrast with the standard CPC stuff will be like a smack upside the head. Can you imagine this versus the silly graphics and absurd voice overs they put out?

  7. I agree with the consensus here. This is the best I've seen from the Liberal party in could it be since the early 2000's ?!?

  8. Now everybody donate a big chunk of money so they can turn that into 2 or 3 TV commercials.

  9. i will do my little part... with donation.

  10. Yeah, he really digs in deep in this montage, real guy talking, beauties.
