Friday, January 28, 2011

Yes, Yes, Yes I'm Afraid

Kudos to Jeff for finding the lowest note on the piano, imperative for scary ads.


  1. Already wrote over at Jeff's blog that I really like this one. Unlike the Reformatories latest insult to anyone with an IQ over 50 ...his attack ad is at least factual.

    Harper has indeed raised taxes on each item listed; income tax, income trusts, the air-security tax & EI premiums.

    BTW - raising EI premiums really is a tax on job creators, you literally are taxing companies more for employing people.

    Also, any word of an official response to the latest CPC bullshit ads? My own thoughts are if handled wisely, this can be the reincarnation of Kim Campbell's attack on Chretien's physical disability - or Ernie's 'reptilian kitten eater' line.

  2. Conservatives seemed pretty coy when asked if these new ads would actually run, which tells me they probably won't.

  3. They've been universally panned, to a degree we haven't seen since the Chretien ads. Even Taber pimping the Howard Dean theme won't take hold.

  4. One funny observation I've made is that the near universal attempt to sell this as a "Howard Dean" moment is in large part undermined by the conservative ads themselves.

    Not only because of the out of context condemnation of the ad content, but because Ignatieff comes off looking passionate, not cock-eyed.

    The number of comments to that effect on Taber's commentary are particularly note-worthy, but I've heard it elsewhere as well . . . even in the media.

  5. The other hilarious note to this is the CONs continued mistiming of some self-inflicted wounds. Here's Harper pretending to be compassionate, expecting to score points at home with the ladies (his own words, i'm sure Jeff can dig them up for an ad somewere;^)) and out they trot their over-angry, over-the-top lies that confirmed among the educated female core that Harper isn't worth the risk. Just check out some of the women on the internet -- barbara yaffe's no pal of the liberals...

  6. One additional note on the "Howard Dean" reference . . . .

    To me, it is the latest and clearest indication of just how closely aligned (mentally, strategically and dare I say spiritually) the Canadian conservatives are with their Republican counterparts.

    In the US, being accused of having a Howard Dean moment - if it were a legitimate comparison, which this talking point volley is not - might be damaging.

    But for Canadians engaged enough to get the reference, would being like Howard Dean really be bad? He's a highly regarded Doctor and former governor, one of the best progressive voices in public debate, and a tireless public advocate. Oh, and there's also the fact he successfully implemented public health care reform in his state while governor giving them one of the highest insurance coverage rates in the entire nation.

    I must have missed the polls showing that Canadians were ready to ditch their Universal Health Care system. You know, the ones the conservative brain trust must have read during one of those campaign strategy classes down south.

  7. Interesting to read John's comments. I must admit that until the Tory ads I hadn't seen what Stephen Taylor describes as "Michael Ignatieff's Dean Scream".

    Far from a cringe-worthy clip, it seems to depict a leader who is both passionate and confident.

    Colour me surprised.

  8. Kady OMalley just said the new Conservative ads "have been pulled".

  9. Kady OMalley just said the new Conservative ads "have been pulled"

    In other words, the CPC war-room realized they just f*cked up big time.

    BTW Grits, you've just been handed your own version of "soldiers on the streets with guns" ad to bat over the Harperbot's heads. Enjoy.

  10. Yup, no trace on the CPC site, and when you try to play the YouTube links & frames on other sites, it just says:

    “This video has been removed by the user.”

    Yet KanadianDense is still in denial over how they've just shot themselves in the foot, writing (over on Kinsella's site),

    "Nothing is ever pulled [--] it exi[s]ts on the web."

    (The stupid ... it hurts!)

  11. I have Can Nonsense marked as spam so comments never get published. What a delusional tool!

  12. yeah, these ads really separated the Wheat from the Daft among the conbots, as far as who was still going to the wall to defend their merits.
