Tuesday, March 22, 2011

And We're Off...

Still digesting, as I'm sure everyone else is, but just a few quick observations. First off, I was actually proud of Jack Layton, clearly not an easy situation, many factors in play, but he stood by his principles and did the right thing. In the weeks leading up to this vote, the "dance", circumstances have changed, there has been a distinct evolution on the baggage front, this IS the opposition's moment and Layton recognized that.

Further to that point, I believe this is the first election in recent memory, wherein parties forced an election without immediate self interest apparent. In fact, you can say there is a bit of logic defying here, the polls aren't kind on their face, it looks superficially bad, timing just odd by strategic standards. And yet, the Liberals held firm in the face of slipping polls and criticism, now the NDP have ignored warning signs and stood up against Harper. Finally, the opposition has performed perfectly, these people have stepped all over our democracy, our institutions, no matter the polling, simply can't endorse this behaviour, as well as their "vision" for the country. There is some kind of honour to this forced showdown, or at least it feels rooted in the "right" reasons, rather than naked political expediency alone.

I'm looking forward to this election, because I believe this stale environment needs an election, Canadians need to have a focused discussion, this is when our political system is really at it's best in terms of engagement and participation.

And we're off...


  1. I'm so tired of pundits saying that Harper is doing well in the polls because of some imagined skill of his.

    The Cons rise in the polls coincides completely with the Con attack ads and their spending $26 million on "government" ads that just shill for the Cons on our dime.

    Just once I'd like a conservative pundit to admit that over $30,000,000 in advertising is what has caused the Cons to rise in the polls.

  2. "The Cons rise in the polls coincides completely with the Con attack ads and their spending $26 million on "government" ads that just shill for the Cons on our dime."

    I noted how everyone was quick to credit attack ads, but nobody gave this expenditure, 5 to 10 times any thought.

    It looks like the impact is waning, and it's also true that the "bump" is softer than Gerard Kennedy's hair!

    Looking forward to this election, please be substantive. Despite the "scoff", I think there is latent unrest at hand. Can Ignatieff in particular spark, I keep going back to that caucus speech, more of that, and we're on our way...

  3. I'm so annoyed by the media eye-rolling going on on twitter, this whole "election about nothing" thing. The government is practically in contempt, they've shown a disdain for Parliament that puts the lie to everything they stood for, they have 4 officials being charged, a former aide under investigation for influence peddling... yeah "nothing". I need a drink.

  4. The government is practically in contempt, they've shown a disdain for Parliament that puts the lie to everything they stood for, they have 4 officials being charged, a former aide under investigation for influence peddling... yeah "nothing". I need a drink.

    So do I. more so to rid the talking trolls and Mps and that broad from the NP. Who the hell is that bit*h?One would think she’s the cheer leader for Harpers regime and all that chatter really grates ones nerve. Surely CBC could find someone else to replace her on P&P

    And yet the bought and paid for Media still continues to make excuses for the worst PM to ever sit in the PMO. Wait until that dirty laundry comes out.

  5. I am just delighted To see how things are PROGRESSING...

  6. With all fairness to me Steve, I have consistently referred to the actionplan adscam transfer of wealth to conservative media as part of five years of bought and paid spin cycles.

  7. Not sure if anyone caught Don Martin chatting with Ignatieff this evening on Power Play. Practically eggin' him on to admit all 3 parties are forming that evul coalition all because all 3 parties have said they would not support the budget. Pretty disingenuous if you ask me.

  8. Coalitions to kill people are alright. but not coalitions to help people.
    Of course, all Ignatieff has to do is to campaign to the coalition of Canadian voters who have sustained liberal democracy in Canada, and who have formed the majority of voters who have voted anything but Harper three elections in a row.

  9. Cue the massive con attack ad blitz before the writ is dropped...sigh.

  10. Ah the Coal -ition the bugeyman for Harper lolol well 2/3 of Canadian people who says Anything But Harper will have their voice now.
    he just so wrapped in himself doesn't seems to get it/yet/ .

  11. Support a grassroots effort to defeat the Harperstan Gov't:
