The Conservatives, who continue to call themselves "Canada's New Government" in all news releases and correspondence 13 months after they were elected
It would appear the media is finally turning on the ridiculous characterization, so I predict it disappears in short order. That means we need another term for the Conservative government. I was thinking maybe:
- Canada's Still Under Warranty Government
- Canada's 12 Years Shorter Than The Liberal Government
- Canada's Toddler Government
- Canada's Worked In Government
- America's Other Government
Any other ideas?

Canada's New Republican Government.
Canada's first Right wing government. Canada's only ideological government. Stephen Harper's one man government. Canada's government representing the 36% who voted Conservative and not the other 64%.
If they win a majority I would choose Canada's Last Government.
Canada's New Dictatorship.
Canada's defunct government
I know it seems strange, but it's posts like this (and more particularly the comments) that make me want to give up any objectivity, independence or distance I keep from the CPC and join up lock stock and barrel. I'm not sure why I have the urge, but it's palpable.
To clarify, I too tire of the "new" label, and don't at all mind you mocking it. It's basically just the comments that drive me nuts, for which you can't be held accountable.
Canada's Case Study In Propaganda Government needs you :)
Jackass eh? And the CPC would only be so lucky, I have my thumb on the pulse of the nation like no other.
K, here goes: I bet one wingnut post decrying Harper's loss in the next election to three ndp i'tol'dyaso's
Ennui: when the new rubs off, like Harper rubbed the true off accountability.
The cons use the new term because they are truly neo-cons and Harpers wants to keep the neo moniker which means new in Latin. Also he follows the American neo-con agenda and he is proud of it.
I heard this one on CBC:
"Canada's Interim Government"
Canada's Focus on Government
Canada's Terrible Twos Government
Canada's Grumpy White Men Government
Canada's Banana Republic
Canada's Spincyclists on Focus Group
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