Speaker muzzles Tory attack dogs in House of Commons
MPs from three parties gave Milliken an ovation Thursday. But the Conservatives were angry.
Ottawa-area Tory Pierre Poilievre vigorously defended the right to criticize. He suggested the Speaker might have succumbed to pressure from fellow Liberals.
“Part of a democracy is promoting ideas. The other part of a democracy is pointing out the flaws in some of those ideas,” Poilievre said.
He said it should be up to voters to scrutinize and judge MPs for their behaviour in the Commons, not the Speaker.
You can't blame the poodle, after all it's not like he does anything constructive in Parliament, apart from taking cheap shots at fellow MP's, or defending alleged illegal activity on the part of his party. Pierre's a joke, and now he's lost his only avenue to get attention.
More from another tough guy:
“I wouldn’t read anything into it. … I think if you’re going to step into the ring, you’ve got to be able to take the punch. This isn’t a classroom at Harvard. This is the House of Commons. This is politics,” Mr. Teneycke said.
There were THREE occasions today, wherein Milliken killed the mic on Conservative MP's, as they continued to hurl the nonsense. We can all assume, while the economy crumbles, Conservatives are huddled together thinking of new creative ways to get the slurs in.
I admit some surprise, that the Liberals aren't highlighting the Conservatives tactics, because they really are obnoxious and Canadians wouldn't take kindly to such shenanigans, particularly at this time. You could provide a nice contrast. I suppose we choose to ignore it, don't give it an audience, because after all the irony is Canadians are ignoring it, so generally disgusted they've tuned out.
What will the poodle do now?:

I'm sure the incision was quite small :)

I do appreciate the decorum that the liberals and the other opposition parties want to establish, however I'm quite concerned about how this will all turned out as another "Canadians are smarter than this" problem. As much as I believe that Canadians are really smarter than what the tories want them to believe, psychological theory states that constant bombardment of fake ads will become believable overtime. I don't want to sound pessimistic, but I really hope that they have something to counter all of these lies.
I don't dispute attack ads work, and repeating the same lies over and over leads to supposed fact, but there's one thing to keep in mind. Harper is well known for his hyper-partisanship, and after November it reached a critical mass, wherein it's now a negative frame for him. While they might get some mileage smearing the other guy, there is a "more about the messenger" flavor at play. Couple that with the dire economics, and I'm not terribly worried about a repeat of "not a leader". You might diminish Ignatieff, but you reinforce your own sad stature in the process. That doesn't mean we don't respond hard.
Thank you. As one of Pierre's constients I have suffered all the slings and arrows of his childish partisanship. But that poodle will surely end up in the pound in the not too distant future.
"You might diminish Ignatieff, but you reinforce your own sad stature in the process. That doesn't mean we don't respond hard."
There is another side to this story. The Grits are more willing and confident in pushing back hard. The Cons are seeing a limited opportunity and they are hoping that if they don't sink Iggy now, there may be little chance afterwards.
Iggy is much more difficult to sink than Dion. But there is still a discontent within the party which can also manifest itself.
But that poodle will surely end up in the pound in the not too distant future.
On a recent visit to Nepean (where I lived many moons ago), most of the people I met spoke in glowing terms about this little weasel and the job he and his prime minister are doing. Unfortunately I don't believe Poilievre is in danger of losing that riding anytime soon. It boggles the mind.
"Unfortunately I don't believe Poilievre is in danger of losing that riding anytime soon. It boggles the mind."
Sometimes shouters have their time of day. Poilievre may also be a good constituency MP. That is what a populist twit like him is probably good at.
Prior to this election, on Pierre's website his number ONE accomplishment listed was attending over 100 local events. Not a policy or idea, no ass kissing.
You didn't speak t0o all of us...he's in no danger, that's true, but its hardly unanimous.
If Pierre is so interested in free speech, he can say what he want s to say inside the House, outside the House.
Now why do you think he won't do that?
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