Today was the day, or so I thought. Never mind the hilarity of Mike Duffy as moderator, Harper was engaging the youth in a Q and A. I entertained for a brief moment, that I might have to revisit my argument, but alas the PMO didn't let me down:
PMO says it didn't rewrite youth forum questions
Youths who participated in a question-and-answer session with Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Monday say their questions were edited by the Prime Minister's Office.
Two youths said hot-button words like "abortion" were cut from the questions in an event designed to focus on the G8 and G20 summits scheduled for next month in Ontario.
The youths, who would not give their names, said the event was scripted by the Prime Minister's Office and there was nothing spontaneous about it. The PMO said it did not rewrite any questions.
About 100 youths were gathered in front of TV cameras on Parliament Hill on Monday in an event moderated by Conservative Senator Mike Duffy and sponsored by Vision Internationale.
Most of the eight questions posed were on the economy and none addressed any subjects that could prove awkward for the government.
The most controlling, non-transparent, non-accountable, non-populist charlatan has kept his unblemished record in tact! The fact that supposed grassroots reformers can still support the antithesis of everything they supposedly stood for, might be the more remarkable development. I'm embarrassed for you.
Lots of commentary today, but this blurb by Scott Feschuk sums it up nicely:
Stage-managing events is part of any leader’s political arsenal, but come on – are we really being led by a man too chicken to answer the genuine, spontaneous queries of a few wonky kids. What a coward. Ooooo, our poor wittle Pwime Minister is soooo afwaid of what those mean wittle childwen might ask him. WE MUST PWOTECT HIM!!
How sad it must be as Prime Minister to live in constant fear of being exposed to a query that hasn’t been massaged by Dimitri Soudas or bought a drink and tongue-kissed by Mike Duffy

And all they can crow is, "someone else did that too"...
Does Mike Duffy, even have any self respect left?
It must have been quite the letdown for the kids. Economy? Ya, it's important, but kids are concerned about other issues affecting their future - education, environment, etc.
Harper doesn't understand the youth. If you want them engaged, let them be engaged.
I don't think any of the other party leaders are afraid of the one-on-one spontanious questions by our youth.
Why did he need Duffy?
This is not any surprise as Harper will attempt anything to stay in power. The Press are not reporting these events as many have their own agenda. The majority of voters do not know of these happenings.
Have you red Kady's report on the event it seems the liblogs are again guilty of premature blogulation.
Really? Or maybe you can't read booba.
bubba, the lunch counter is the next door to your right. This is where the adults gather
More reporting has been done on this, and it appears that the "student" who complained is in fact a 30-year-old activist with ties to political and environmental organizations (in other words, a plant). It's hard to feel too sorry for her or fault the government for trying to stay on-message...
Wow, that's lame, even for you Fred. You guys can't take responsibility for anything, it's always attack the messenger. Sorry, the stench remains.
Steve V said...
Wow, that's lame, even for you Fred. You guys can't take responsibility for anything, it's always attack the messenger. Sorry, the stench remains.
What "responsibility" should we be taking, exactly? The Prime Minister is under no obligation to take any and every question anyone sees fit to throw at him. All questions are pre-screened just as they would be at any other event.
Like Scott Feschuk said (and he would know) "Stage-managing events is part of any leader’s political arsenal". Nothing unusual about it at all.
But still, no matter what kind of spin you might want to put on it, this was NOT a "youth" looking to ask a question for her own personal information. This was a 30 year old activist with a political agenda trying her best to embarrass the Prime Minister, and I make no apologies for pointing this out, Steve.
You know what Fred, I might actually consider your opinion, if you showed the capacity to bring any critical analysis onto your own party. Ignatieff does unscripted townhalls all the time, and they include Con plants trying to embarrass him. So, questions aren't "pre-screened" all the time, just with this particular "leader", who's a control freak, that isn't accountable to nobody. That's an objective fact, as opposed to your lame spin defence.
Steve V said...
You know what Fred, I might actually consider your opinion, if you showed the capacity to bring any critical analysis onto your own party.
You'd probably need to read some of the BT blogs for that, now that you mention it. But you're right...I haven't done any of that here. The reason, though, is pretty simple: whenever Harper does something that I don't like, you DO like it (and therefore don't post about it).
No, Steve...I'm more like you than you think.. I will criticize Harper just as freely as you do with Ignatieff, if given a reason.
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