There doesn't appear to be any donations to the NDP coffers, just these two donations to the Liberals. Note the date, just a couple weeks after the last federal election, which begs the question- did Kevin Chief vote Liberal in the last election? A bit odd to say the least...
Pundits Guide has an NDP response.
There seems some confusion about Lloyd Axworthy and endorsements. Maybe a quick refresher is in order:
October 1, 2010
Kevin Lamoureux demands apology from NDP candidate for misleading voters
WINNIPEG – Winnipeg North Liberal candidate Kevin Lamoureux today demanded an apology from NDP candidate Kevin Chief for blatantly misleading the people of Winnipeg North by falsely portraying a statement from former Liberal MP Lloyd Axworthy as an endorsement in a campaign brochure circulated throughout the riding.
“Mr. Chief should be ashamed for creating the false impression in Winnipeg North that he has the support of former Liberal MP Lloyd Axworthy,” said Mr. Lamoureux. “This is the lowest form of politics, and if the NDP think they can get away with fooling voters through this kind of deceit and trickery, they’re dead wrong.”
The brochure prominently features Dr. Axworthy and is clearly styled to appear as a political endorsement. Dr. Axworthy has said that, given his position at the University of Winnipeg, it would be inappropriate for him to endorse any political candidate. Dr. Axworthy did not give his permission for his photo or comment to be used as an endorsement.
“If Mr. Chief has any honour, he will do the right thing by retracting this false endorsement and apologize immediately,” said Mr. Lamoureux. “The people of Winnipeg North should be able to expect any individual seeking to represent them to act honestly and in good faith, and this deliberate attempt to mislead them shows a lack of respect and judgment from Mr. Chief.”
A federal by-election is expected to be called soon in Winnipeg North, to elect a new MP to fill the seat vacated by former MP Judy Wasylycia-Leis who stepped down to run for mayor of Winnipeg.
“I had hoped that Mr. Chief and the NDP would run a clean and fair campaign focussed on the issues, but after bringing this breach to his campaign’s attention, I am deeply disappointed by the continued circulation of this flyer and the dishonourable conduct this shows before the by-election has even started,” concluded. Mr. Lamoureux.
The Lamoureux campaign has put out an open letter:
With the federal by-election campaign entering the home stretch, I am appealing directly to you and your party to stop the dirty tricks and clean up your campaign.
Critiquing the policies of other candidates is fair game, but I’m disappointed that you have sunk to misleading and personal attacks.
With only a few days left in this election, your campaign has distributed official literature that mentions nothing about the issues in Winnipeg North, but instead attacks the Leader of Liberal Party – a man who has visited Winnipeg North four times since July, participated in two town
halls and understands the needs of our community.
Before the election, you sent out literature which gave the false impression that former Liberal MP Lloyd Axworthy endorsed you.
My eighteen years in politics have taught me that Winnipeggers don’t appreciate dirty tricks. They want an honest representative with a record of community-based solutions who can deliver results

Between this and the NDP endorsement of the Greens in Vaughan, I think the dippers need to have a serious look at their candidate selection process. Wasn't it also the NDP that withdrew a couple embarrassing candidates last election?
Honestly if you're not going to field qualified people just stay home and stop splitting the progressive vote.
Its a story of redemption. He was a Liberal supporter in the past and then saw the light. What's not to like?
Bob Rae donated money to a variety of NDP candidates in the 2006 federal election and then two months later he was running to lead the federal Liberals. I'm sure Liberals were just happy to have him.
So, Bob Rae saw the light? Interesting.
Did you see that Lloyd Axworthy has endorsed Kevin Chief in Winnipeg North? If ex-Liberals want to join or support the NDP - we welcome them with open arms! I hear Stephane Dion may be the next one to switch.
Did you see the link? You're a one note hoot DL.
it seems that the NDP has taken a page from the Crap party they endorsed 3 elections back. Spinning their wheels faster than their brains can keep up. I would never support the NDP nor the Crap party for a million bucks
They keep blaming the liberals for supporting Harper but they either forgot or fail to remember their part in Harper wining a confidence vote on the Afghanistan war some years back. All this so that they could buy a few votes. News flash!!! Canadians know the NDP provincially and federally and they do not like what they have experience under their provincial leadership.It seems that the NDP have taken a page from the Crap party they endorsed some years past. Spinning their wheels faster than their brains can keep up. I would never support the nDP nor the Crap party for a million bucks
They keep blaming the liberals for supporting Harper but they either forgot or fail to remember their part in Harper wining a confidence vote on the budget some years back.
All this so that they could buy a few votes. does that sound familiar? News flash!!! Canadians know the NDP provincially and federally and they do not like what they have experience under their provincial leaderships.
Harper shills is all they are. Lying and bulling their way and making false accusations when warranted in their minds.
That's my rant for the day and definitely not a party I would ever support.
Oops, a repeated paragraph while doing a spell check.
Once again, the Liberal Party of Canada can be counted on to resort to slime when all else fails.
Oh Dale, a chamomile tea perhaps?
Why not just point at the crowd & shout:
"hey! is that Elvis?"
Now what's all this talk about an Ndp-Liberal coalition? From what i see, it's more of a NdP-Con working group in winnipeg... And stranger still, the NdP aren't no where near as flapped about the CONs' leaky budget info that created millionaires and loser-aires in the northern BC mining decision, as they were with that faux story from Judy whatersername in 2005, which helped give us Steve Harper. Way to play a self-serving game, dippers.
Liberal theft and corruption gave us Stephen Harper - don't try to blame anyone else.
Dl;Liberal theft and corruption gave us Stephen Harper - don't try to blame anyone else.
Spoken like a true NDP. Its no wonder they are not liked or trusted. They sound very similar to the Harper regime that they bed down with. Liars, bullies and done right narrow minded and wind bags and full of BS.
"it's more of a NdP-Con working group in winnipeg"
Somewhere on the internet is a blog posting by the campaign manager of the NDP candidate in Rob Nicholson's riding in 2006, where he proudly admits the NDP and the CPC shared voter data in a joint effort to ensure that Nicholson would win over the LPC.
Thye NDP is doing everything in its power to help the Liberals win in Vaughan by running as weak a campaign as possible - so as not to fragment the anti-Fantino vote. Where's gratitude???
I've got a title for your next post:
Axworthy donated to NDP Winnipeg North Candidate?
Thanks for the timely retort Lenny. We'll wait for your Grey Cup report next Thursday.
So, Bob Rae saw the light? Interesting.
Bob couldn't find the light with a seeing eye dog, a map and a flashlight.
Good one. Except for the flashlight part, which sort of defeats the seeing light part... LOL.
I guess I missed your reference to this:
"A Chief campaign spokesman said he had been given permission by Axworthy to report Axworthy had made a "significant" donation of more than $100 to the Chief campaign."
I thought I would spot Bob a light. Some people just can't be helped. ;)
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