There are no guarantees moving forward, but the chances for a Liberal recovery are improved with Rae at the helm. Many of the reasons for very cautious optimism were on display during Rae's first presser as interim leader. The Liberals desperately need a steady, calm, ASSURED hand during what will be turbulent times. The Liberals need a compelling face, despite wishful thinking about leadership, it matters a great deal moving forward. Rae brings the gravitas that is required, he commands respect, he is like a wise sage, who's words people listen to intently.
I sense Liberals will now rally behind Rae. I particularly hope he cultivates this notion of the Liberals as the defenders of Canada, a strong federation, because there is a void now that simply requires a champion to ignite latent desires. Rae is able to articulate a vision and I'm particularly impressed with his capacity to understand that we need to draw people, rather than wait for others to repulse them. As well, Rae mirrored my view on vote subsidies, saying it will take care of itself if we develop ideas that motivate participation. Liberals can just ask for money, they need to inspire and I think Rae understands it must go beyond platitudes or window dressing. I sense the role of reformer from Rae, and if this means he wants 18-22 months to make significant progress, I'm prepared to revisit my earlier desire for a shorter interim period.
What Liberals need now most of all is a humble confidence, not some boastful rallying cry that also tends to gloss over the great challenges. Rae brings this characteristic, he will provide a glue that can hold things together while everyone moves in every direction imaginable. You need that central force, particularly now, so in this sense I feel we are quite lucky to have Rae as interim leader. Liberals will face all kinds of days moving forward, but today is a good one for sure IMHO.

While I did not support Bob during the last leadership, he was my second choice, and I can't say I haven't been more and more impressed with his Parliamentary stature over the years. He will be a good steward for the party through these critical years.
I'm very happy. He speaks well, is very intelligent, has a terrific sense of humour, and since he's giving up a shot at leader, he can't be accused of being in it for himself. As much as I think he'd be a good leader and PM, I doubt he'd get elected because the general public won't bother looking past the CON attack ads, and there's no doubt his NDP past would be exaggerated to the negative.
The Libs can actually use Rae's sacrifice of long term leader to show how committed they are to change. Sucks that they have to appeal to the shallow in people, but it's the unfortunate reality we have to deal with now.
Holding off on a leadership race is good as well, gives the Libs time to really look at how the party needs to change, how it can be different from the CONs and even the NDP with its new view to compromise in a bid to hold on to new power.
Long time coming, hard way to come to the realization, but the Libs can actually form exciting reforms. I am hopeful for the first time in years.
As much as I think he'd be a good leader and PM, I doubt he'd get elected because the general public won't bother looking past the CON attack ads, and there's no doubt his NDP past would be exaggerated to the negative.
I like what Rae's commment about any potential negative ads: “I said I don’t have any skeletons in my cupboard; they’re in my living room. We can all anticipate what the attacks might be. But you can also anticipate that the responses will be quite vigorous.”
The Conservatives are unlike to run negative ads against an interim leader... but then again they do have money to burn....
Overall, he seemed to strike the right notes in his answers to the media by acknowledging the challenges the party faces.
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