I've voted Green, I've voted NDP and obviously I've voted Liberal, all this century as well. Partisanship has only become part of my psychological predisposition the last few years, as I decided to engage in a political party, join a "tribe" and invest in that agenda. Not unique, you find yourself at odds with your own "team" quite often, quickly realizing that being a member of a party necessitates compromise and pragmatism. If you hold that view that a political party is capable of completely mirroring your own moral and philosophical compass, it's an exercise in futility. I mention this naked fact, because part of the opposition to mergers, unions, coalitions, is an inability to accept a differing perspective, a resistance to compromise in the name of a perceived greater good. In the past, I've sort of balked at "merger" talk because I know full well that stubborn interests in both parties are frankly incapable of seeing past their respective teams. Meshing the two distinct cultures is almost herculean, the dynamics at play bear NO relationship to the merger we recently saw on the right.
With the above in mind, the Silver suggestion appears a far more intriguing option. In addition, with the sincere and genuine affinities that manifested themselves the last few days, I would argue the logic has never been more sound. What we've seen is progressives of all stripes, Liberals, NDP, Greens, non affiliated come together within an optimistic message which while partisan in crafting, spoke well beyond artificial boundaries. The fight is larger than a party, it's about a direction of a country, and within that I see a recognition of MANY shared values. Not an overlap, not everyone in complete lockstep on all issues, but a more GENERAL thrust which suggests real opportunity.
The time has come to put everything on the table, really FLESH out what could be, identify the roadblocks and access the best options moving forward. The status quo is a probable loser, unless your name is Stephen Harper. Open minds, a sensibility that extends beyond tribalism, within this vein could come a truly unifying force. Perhaps a new entity, without the historical shackles, divergences and narrow interests is a possibility worth serious consideration...

The interesting thing has been seeing various Conservatives express fear at the prospect of a merger. I don't think I'm the only one that thinks Day's musings on CBC and tweets from CPC hacks have a whiff of sludge to them. We know Harper wants two parties and the death of the Liberals. That seems short-sighted to me. What happens to the CPC when a truckload of Red Tories are dumped back into the party? The death of the Liberals could easily mean the death of the Conservatives.
I have been observing the CBC trolls this morning. They seem to be balking at a potential Liberal/NDP merger. My rule of thumb is that if something drives Harper cheerleading trolls to their batcaves nutty, it has be an idea worthy of consideration and perhaps not a bad one.
Wow, Pat Martin raises the stakes:
How many Liberals would defect to the Conservatives? A good many I'm sure including those Red Tories who've parked their vote with the Libs since the PCPC dissolved.
What would a "partial Liberal" merger mean to the NDP? Probably about the same as the PCs mean to Harper when they folded shop to join him.
Is the NDP going to make a clean break from its Socialist roots and does anyone really believe that would be in the best interests of Canada? It might be in the best interests of defeating Harper but I'm not sure it would be good for our country.
There is something to be said for the adage, "act in haste, repent in leisure." The last election by no means foretells what lies ahead but the merger talk presumes it does.
Shiner said... What happens to the CPC when a truckload of Red Tories are dumped back into the party? The death of the Liberals could easily mean the death of the Conservatives.
You mean the death of the populist neo-liberals disguised as conservatives perhaps?
Actual Tories taking back the conservative brand could only be a good thing. The Canajun teabagger types should move to Texas and be done with it. They know they'd be happier there.
A moderate party of the right versus a moderate party of the left would be a restoration of the good governance this country has enjoyed in decades prior. Probably just a dream, but certainly one to hope for.
Siver's idea is one that would have the most traction. When I lived in Calgary & was approched to go to the first Reform Party convention I was interested; until I found out it was Social Credit ghosts behind the whole thing.
A new party that would attract Manley & Broadbent would interest me.
Like the Biker Bar sign sez: "No colours". I suggest Purple & Yellow as party colours.
yes the extreme right and the extreme left eventually will be over... one day. everyone is tired of it...
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