Monday, September 03, 2007

"Stéphane Dion: All Negative, All the Time"

That is the theme, at the Conservative website. A curious accusation against Dion, given the actual content of the website in question. There is only one picture of Stephen Harper on the Conservative's website, and yet we find five pictures of Dion, one of Iggy for good measure, none of them flattering. A banner that reads "Getting Things Done", but the visual barrage suggest "Getting Dion Done". In other words, the site is a maelstorm of negativity, which makes the Dion reference almost comical.

A quick scan of the Liberals site, finds four stories, two positive, two negative, all photos of Liberals. The NDP, all Jack, all the time, same mix of positive and negative.

I thought Jeff had the best line, which sums up the hypocrisy nicely:
Maybe they'll(Cons) run a negative ad on just how darned negative Dion is...



Ti-Guy said...

And now the Conservative Party's site is featuring puffins? I thought the dog blog was lame enough, but this?

Steve V said...

I think the dog is done, probably because every post reminded Canadians of the Conservatives humor-challenged disposition. A dog all right.

Monkey Loves to Fight said...

It seems the Conservatives are pretty much negative all the time. Yeah the caucus meeting was pretty negative, but this about getting MPs all fired up, not about how things will actually been done on the campaign trail. I suspect that if Dion succeeds in becoming PM, he will have to find a fine line between being negative enough to turn people away from the Tories, but not so over the top the party looks desperate. In 2000 and 2004 we found the right balance, but in 2006 we went a little too far.

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that they used the same image of Dion in five different pictures on their front page. For me that speaks to their lack of creativity in dealing not only with graphics but with the environment, health-care, crime, the military and so on.

It also demonstrates perfectly the way they present any idea whatsoever. Same thing, over and over and over.

Anonymous said...

Same thing over and over and over -that's the Goebbels/Hitler method of repeating a falsehood so many times it's perceived as the truth.

Wouldn't you think a political party would be embarrassed to have such a crappy website as the CPC's?

No class, no refinement - no indication that they are a mature, sophisticated party worthy of leading a country. It looks like a cheap sales flyer for used furniture or something.

tarobins said...

I think Harper has a crush on Dion given all the Dion pictures on the homepage.