I was thinking of Stephen Harper, the man who claims to be in tune with the "Tim Horton's crowd", the hockey dad, he who represents "ordinary" Canadians. The polar opposite of the ivory tower Liberals, a grassroots leader who prides himself on a common touch approach to government. If all the bullshit we hear is true, why is that Stephen Harper doesn't speak directly WITH Canadians? During the election, Harper rejected a CBC interview that included questions from Canadians, only agreeing to appear if he could control the content. As a matter of fact, I can't think of ONE instance that Stephen Harper has been a part of any forum, wherein he has real input from voters.
I haven't seen any columns asking the question, or drawing the comparison, but it's a striking one. Why is Stephen Harper afraid to face the Canadian people? Why is Harper so afraid, that not only will he not schedule any interaction, but he'll go so far, as to threaten to bow out of any appearance that doesn't allow him COMPLETE message control? Has anyone ever seen one voter approach Stephen Harper and ask a question? How can you claim to represent the "Tim Horton's" crowd, when you won't dare enter the establishment? The aloof professor has no problem wading into the crowd, no issue being put on the hot seat, facing the people, matter of fact seems downright comfortable.
Has Harper ever been "grilled"?

Harper is far above the common people who would have no concept of what has to be does why talk to them.
For Harper being "grilled" is hanging around truck stops eating bacon and eggs with creationists and rednecks.
Anon said, Harper is far above the common people who would have no concept of what has to be does why talk to them. I disagree. Harper is so far down beyond the people and it is he who has no concept of what should be done so IMO, that's why he doesn't want to be questioned by them. He would not havean answer and lies just wouldn't cut it. He's nothing but a coward dressing in wooly sweathers.
Never! Harperco are scrupulous in their evasion of "accountability". he will never, ever be seen in a public forum that hasn't been vetted.
Don't think Harper has ever been grilled but do know that he'll soon be toast.
Harper grilled? No way he'd allow it. His presentions are taxpayer show and tell staged with just the right people, just the right cameras and stand-in conservative supporters as crowds.
He's too chicken to answer questions at random. The questions have to be PM approved.
It's amazing that Harper gets away with it. A real leader isn't afraid of the people.
To face the electorate in a town hall or open forum, you need the courage of your convictions.
Harper has many Convictions and the venom to carry them through.
That's not courage and that's why he's a dictator in democratic clothing, a poltroon who would never face real Canadians (as opposed to a hand-picked crowd of sycophants).
But But But, he was on Rick Mercer. He must be a people person!
The question is, if it is so obvious to us, and I think it simply is, (I mean to refuse to participate on that CBC thing was so chicken...)what the heck are people thinking by voting for him?
Is it all just split vote?
Is that his only call to fame?
The Harper approach is predicated on public indifference, nobody bothering to call him out. CBC just gave his refusal one line, then moved on, the media simply won't make an issue out of it. I think the Liberals would be wise to make the distinction between our leader and Harper. You could also draw a comparison to Obama.
The CBC should have refused to interview him unless he agreed to be interviewed on the same terms as everyone else.
Lazy journalism.
I agree. Seems our media is more worried about getting the interview, than sticking to it's guns. That's the format, everyone else is doing it, period. THEN, if Harper refused, it would be more of a testament to his approach, as it stood nobody really noticed.
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