Health Minister Tony Clement says he's launching an immediate review of why Canada has failed to deliver on a pledge to get low-cost AIDS drugs to countries in need…
Clement said the government intends "to do this comprehensively, do it rationally to get some good information and advice because reallythis is our first opportunity as a new government to consider this legislation."
Stephen Lewis responds in kind:
But Stephen Lewis, the United Nations special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, was skeptical of when the review will be held.
"This gives new meaning to the word immediate. They were elected eight months ago. If this is the nature of their particular dictionary, I wouldn't trust any word."
If there was a sense of urgency about it, the review would already have happened six months ago, he said.
"We've lost another six months, in other words, and now we'll lose even more time."
All of sudden “immediate” action is required. Nice to now this new sense of urgency is motivated by damage control, as opposed to moral necessity.

This would be the pledge that Jean Chretien made in 2003?
The MAJORITY government of the day could not do the job, so it makes sense that the minority Conservative government should have dealt with this BEFORE trying to address the commitments they made to Canadians during the election? Only to some deranged mind, I'm afraid.
Still blaming Chretien for all your failings I see. Old habits die hard, time to stand on your own feet now and take some responsibility. I suppose you believe the timing of Clement's announcement was simply coincidence too.
Sorry, what callous policies?
The one where the goverment of Canada failed to meet a commitment to deliver drugs by 2005, made in 2003?
Or did I miss something in amongst all the booing and political grandstanding at the AIDS conference?
"The one where the goverment of Canada failed to meet a commitment to deliver drugs by 2005, made in 2003?"
Thanks for proving the entire point:
"The best way to deflect criticism, look pro-active and criticize others."
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